I noticed the other day that I saw 2 straight guys walking together in the neighborhood, will that give you a impression that they are gay?
Appearance of 2 straight guys walking together
by asilentone 29 Replies latest jw friends
No it does not. And if they were who cares, i don't. I gave a huge hug to gay friend of mine on my birthday in middle the London, and i am definitley not gay. It is so unimportant Regards david
Well. . .
I only got weirded out once, and that was with my brother in law. My sister is his beard, so to speak. He is a flamer!
Once we were in a hospital, and coming out of the elevator, he grabbed on to my arm and hugged it, like a woman would. If I had a button on my shoulder that would detach it, I would have sacrificed it to flee the embarrassment of the situation. He is the ultimate "Brokeback Elder." I sure am glad he shuns me now!
No it does not. And if they were who cares, i don't.
Agreed. We have always seen guys walking together...that's nothing new. I mean if you see two guys eating together would you automatically assume they are gay? Of course not In fact I think it's good that guys can spend time walking, dining, shopping etc with their male friends. These activities tend to work against the old sterotypes and make people more open and tolerant.
Straight men don't walk together. In fact straight men don't have male friends. Any man that does is at least a little gay :)
In fact straight men don't have male friends. Any man that does is at least a little gay
You obviously winding us up.
Why have we become a society of stereotyping everyone? When two women walk together do you think they are gay? If the answer is no, why the double standard? Your own personal experience? or a stereotype perpetrated by a homophobic society that has forced their narrow-minded approach to life upon us all.
I would thing they were, Mormans or Wactower salesmen.
2 straight guys would give the impression of 2 straight guys.
2 gay guys would give the impression of 2 gay guys.
There not hard to tell apart.
But what does it matter?
A man and a woman could give the impression of a hooker and a pimp.
People see what they want to see.
keyser soze
If they were holding hands and kissing while doing it, I might reach the conclusion that they were gay. Since when is merely walking a show of intimacy?
The vast majority of straight guys, have mostly straight guy friends.
Go to any party - the guys are all in one place talking football, and the women are in another talking about whatever women talk about when there are no guys around.
The only straight men at a party talking to a woman are the ones after sex. Most straight guys only make a real effort at conversation with a woman if they want to get her in the sack.
I would say that it is the men with several platonic lady friends who are most likely to be "a bit gay".