For those of you who arrived late to the Watchtower Study, the original post is here:
Watchtower Study "Valueless Things" Video
by V 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Awakened at Gilead
You have a PM.
Lady Zombie
Hahahahahahaha! A little off topic but this never ceases to crack me up
"The Truth...ding! ®"
Nice one, V!
wow! That was fantastic! I am gonna have to watch that a few times! there was so much information in that clip, all really important and well thought out!
Thanks for that!
Amazing "V" and soooo on point! Well done! Reflects on the gentle reexamination reasoning we find in "Crisis of Conscience."
I also, of course, think it reflects their fear of me and the JIOR. Particularly that statement about anointed ones claiming they know more than the GB, which is sometimes true. But the Bible says...
1 John 2: 26 These things I write YOU about those who are trying to mislead YOU . 27 And as for YOU , the anointing that YOU received from him remains in YOU , and YOU do not need anyone to be teaching YOU; but, as the anointing from him is teaching YOU about all things, and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught YOU , remain in union with him.
So you see, the true "anointed" have their own direct knowledge channel from Jehovah. They don't really function well as "students" as much as collaborators. They can come together with pieces of the puzzle that form the whole truth. The WTS, the GB, clearly know other anointed have this insight and there are silent, private doctrinal disputes going on. Those in charge decide what the public, current doctrine is to be but they hide other doctrines in their "subliminal artwork." They know quite well, for instance, that the Bible insinuates not only will Christ return in the flesh, but as a black gay man.
They clearly rationalize away from the truth because there is no public orgaization into which to lead you when you start to follow the truth, and many witnesses feeling the "security" in the intellectual knowledge of the WTS seek to switch organizations on that basis, but can't. You see, that road to life is an INDIVIDUAL one. The broad road leads to destruction.
What Jehovah has done, which is why Harold Camping's message that the "church age" is over, is dismissed any kind of a public organizational recognized religion any more after 1996. Even the COVENANT with the Jews ends at that time. Remember Daniel 9 says to leave the covenant in force until the end of the week. That says that once that week ends, so does the covenant. So a formal organization, is outside of the "charter" of Christianity at this point. Both the Christian and Judeo-Abrahamic covenants EXPIRE in 1996.
But what is comforting, as effective as the WTS double-speak and high-level "Mysteries" influenced mind-control language is, it is ineffective against the truth. Those who stubbornly came into the WTS organization because they loved truth don't blink when the Bible leads them elsewhere. So the WTS, the broad road is led further into darkness and those leaving her come toward the brighter light.
The WTS is now acting on the border of paranoia trying to hold onto its members and to keep their minds shut down. But the carpet I think will be pulled from underneath them. For instance, if NASA and the astronomical community ever really get serious about ancient astronomy issues, it will become evident revisions were indeed made during the Seleucid Period and inevitably the Jewish concepts of the shorter Persian Period will come into fore again and align much better with the Bible than the current expanded Persian Period. Martin Anstey is seen to be far more faithful to the Bible and it's chronology by insisting on 455 BCE as the 1st of Cyrus, than the WTS who are foced to acknowledge the 70-year period of the land paying back its sabbaths, which they tack onto 537 BCE to arrive at their 607 BCE/1914 chronology, ignoring many other issues. If the secular timeline changes on them, that is 539 BCE no longer is the only date for the fall of Babylon then the entire chronology of 1914 will come into question in the secular domain and will automatically cause them to fall, since they have no Biblical basis for independently establishing the 539 BCE dating, especially if the alternative chronology points to 455 BCE as the 1st of Cyrus, which it must.
So, it's just a matter of time. The WTS is encircling its CORE FINANCIAL SUPPORT in the faithful witnesses who now pay for literature themselves up front to cover costs, then ask for donations, which usually end up more than what contributions for the literature was (i.e. is you charged 10 cents each for two magazines originally, now you get at least a dollar or two as a "donation" to help the worldwide preaching work, for magazines the publisher has already paid for!!). That's all it is now, keeping that publishing money income coming in.
The aggressive means now to monitor and control, such as discouraging private meetings among witnesses to discuss the Bible, closing down the Book Study groups, another weakness in the mind-control chain, etc. are desperate measures to maintain control over the weak minded and to sift out opposition.
But as we know, their days are limited and their doom assured. Things are going along quite well as planned. The "rebel anointed" in the JIOR are quite happy whereas the Rich Man (GB) are in torment and paranoid, trying to hold on by any means necessary to their numbers and financial meal ticket.
Thanks, again, V, for a great presentation, as always.
Just so both are connected
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (6-1-08)
Man I hate you V!
You got the cool name/avatar/persona, and you are ACTUALLY taking on a tyrannical religious authority structure from within...
So effective, and creative....
They tried to shut you down and you got around them, and kept on striking back....
I wish I could say that I had been so effective.
What you are doing is so vital, so relevant, so well done, it makes me jealous.
So, thank you, good on you, kudos, and I hate you.
(j/k about the hate)
RD -
You had 3 JW (good-standing) viewers Sunday night !!!
They have been looking in future WTs for 'weasel words' most of the day.
Dare I say they will be logging on regularly to WT COMMENTS !!!!