7th Anniversary on JWD

by blondie 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beda

    (((( Blondie )))) Thank you for everything you have done in the exJW community, and everything you continue to do -- especially the privilege of being yourself and letting us get to know you a little. Hugs.

  • llbh

    Hi Blondie,

    I enjoy your comments on the WT, it was very heplful only yesterday when my 24y who still goes to meetings phoned after the wt yesterday annoyed at the attitude toward higher education , he has a first Medical Biochemistry.. Because of your thread u knew what was coming.

    Thank you and congratulations


  • changeling

    Congratulations! I think it's wonderful that you have stuck with JWD for so long.

    changeling :)

  • moreisbetter

    Hey Blondie!! Many congratulations on your 7th! I'm glad you continued on here, for I have benefited in many ways. One of those was the opportunity to meet you and Irreverant, which was fantastic. I thank you for your knowledge and insights.

    Much love and peace to you both!! MIB

  • jgnat

    Congratulations! I am the better for having known you. Just think. We would never have met if it weren't for the internet and Simon's board.

  • willyloman

    I'm coming up on 5 years and you were a shining light for me when I arrived here back in the day. When I first read one of your "Comments You Will Not Hear..." I totally connected with it because I had been a WT study conductor for several years until about the time I started lurking on this site back in 2002. By 2003, when I registered here, I had resigned both my "privilege" and my "position" and was actively working my exit strategy. I was completely gone by the end of '03 and have not set foot in a KH since. This forum, and people like you, played a huge role in helping me tap my inner courage and starting on a journey that has been the best thing that's ever happened to me.

    Thanks for being there, for me and for countless others.

  • mouthy

    Happy anniversary, Blondie! Yes you have done a GREAT job on here...Look how many you have helped .... You have sowed so many seeds.

    Please send your report into Brooklyn Bethel dear... Tell them you have uprooted a lot of the weeds they sowed, & planted wheat. They will really be pleased with you.. Who knows they may ask you to speak at the assembly -just to show how it is done

    Hoping to see you again (((HUG)))

  • ninja

    congrats mrs.....long may it continue......ninja

  • Robdar

    Blondie, your posts are one of the reasons I've kept coming back to this forum.

    Congrats on 7 fabulous years!

    (Heh, my 7th anniversary is coming up in August)


  • nicolaou

    Happy Anniversary your Blondeness!

    Hey Seeker, you signed up the day after me, we're the oldest farts on this thread!

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