Wow, what a difference a year can make. There have been amazing changes in my life. I left the cult and my husband. I've apologized to my children for raising them the way I did and received their forgiveness. ************I started smoking the day I found out about the U.N. it was a way of thumbing my nose at the evil bastards. Now I've matured enough to quit harming myself to spite them so I've quit. ************I've gone from being a believer to being pretty sure I'm an atheist.********I've discovered that this life is beautiful and I need to suck every drop of joy out of each day because I will never, ever get this time back.**************** I have made some very good friends on this board. Some I've met in person and some I have not. *********Thank you all for your support and the unconditional love that I have received. This has truly been the best year of my life.*******I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin.
by AWAKE&WATCHING 33 Replies latest jw friends
I have made some very good friends on this board. Some I've met in person and some I have not
one day I would like to meet you.... damn price of gas is causing a lot shorter trips for apostafests these days...
from your fellow Werewolf player....
Snakes ()
Good to have "met" you!
Congratulations A&W!
I have also apologized to my children for getting them involved. I don't think my daughter will ever forgive me for destroying he chance to go to high school. We started going to the KH when she was in 7th grade and when she graduated we had her home schooled to "protect" her from the world. What a mess. My son could have cared less if he went to school or not.
Good going, A&W.
You are awesome!!
Wow, has it only been a year? Congrats!
I remember well following your story when you first came here. I was fairly new to the site myself. So many changes happened so quickly for you and I sent you a pm. I thought this poor girl is coming out of the gate fast! I want her to have my phone number in case she needs to talk to a RL person, not just the board.
Funny, but the first time you called was when *I* needed someone to talk to! lol You were there for me and calmed me down. Thank you. Remember, when you called I was making cucumber tomato salad for Brad! lol
I love you and can't wait to meet face to face one day.
Happy anniversary!
Quirky - you have a pm.