"Knock" Saturday Brothers keep "encouraging" me so I let them have it!

by Witness 007 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    This Brother just won't take the hint....he leaves me his phone number and I don't call...he "encourages" me to the meeting and I never go...he tells my wife I "look depressed".....HE WON'T GIVE UP? So he calls on me Saturday and says: "So your not interested in coming to meetings at the moment?" I say {suprisingly} "No not really....there are some doctrinal matters I don't agree with...I don't want to really discuss it...it's just Blood and 607 B.C.E" He says: "Okay have you talked to the Elders?" {That makes me MAD} "I was a Servant and Pioneer for 10 years I've read everything ever published by the society on these topics, I doubt they can help me." He gets defensive: "So, would you give your wife a blood Transfusion?' I raise my hands in the air and say: "I don't know!" Now I turn the tables on him by saying Witnesses DO use Blood which I think is not following Acts 15....."Why should we as Witnesses use blood from the Red Cross for our medicines, when it's a sin to donate blood, and the bible says to pour it on the ground?" He got very defensive as though I WAS ACCUSING THEM of not following the bible. I told him the new blood card was 3 pages and very complex for the average Witness to understand....he agreed but in a smug way, and said we have the H.L.C. I told them it was very Pharisaic to have Elders in charge of our so-called "conscience decision." I mentioned how the Blood video shows a Sister getting a machine with two bags to remove her blood before surgery dilute her blood with water and then Transfused later. How is this in line with Acts 15...in the 60's ALL blood products were banned...and there it ended he excused himself and having to get the last word he says:{Smugly} Well we will all have to have an accounting before Jehovah...{shakes my hand} I say: "Yes for sure...and be sure to read EVERYTHING the society ever wrote on blood from 1950 till today, it interesting."

    And there we ended...I felt good but emotional. I think that was it, he won't come back since he's last smug comment means I'M DOOMED!

  • JWdaughter

    JWs can be ninny's, huh?

    They all bow out when you get to close to the bone with the blood stuff. Hypocrites! (speaking as a former one:))

  • still_in74

    i talked to the elders about blood cause I had to give a #4 talk on blood.

    Surprisingly they didnt argue with me, but I also did not press the issue to demandingly either as i am still trying to get my nerve.

    Blood just pisses me off now. I have family that have me as their POA for medical and have told me no blood at all. that makes me want to call them the bunch of brain washed, non-thinking, mind-controlled cult members they are!
    But then i rationalized that at least if I am their POA and can pull the doc aside and say give them blood if they need. God forbid anything were to happen, but if so and they were to live because I had them given blood I am curious as to if they would shun me after.

    I cant believe that anyone can rationalize the WTS blood policy. It is the most obtuse pile of steaming BS I have ever read!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Witness007...Yes I agree you are doomed....

    to live a free life...

    and survive if you need blood...

    Still-in74... I dunno about being the go-to person for your relatives... Remember that the WTS tells that that getting a blood trans is like getting raped...

  • Farkel


    : I think that was it, he won't come back since he's last smug comment means I'M DOOMED!

    No, what his last comment meant was that he was backed into a corner without any arguments, so he blamed it on YOU!

    Dubs are so predictable.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I didn't want to argue but it just boiled over...I hate the blood issue, but I forgot to mention the dozen false Armagedon predictions which also peeve me off.

  • chickpea

    i have to say good on ya
    for making your point
    even if it fell on deaf ears
    and an arrested intellect

    when we were still studying
    aka unassimilated,
    the CO showed up to the study
    and one comment he made
    i think can be flipped back on the dubs.....

    he said: when dealing with a trinitarian,
    their minds are closed so there is no
    point in arguing with them....
    wish them a nice day and move on.......

  • anglise

    Still in 74 - maybe your JW relatives know that you would let them have blood if needed so they can hide behind your decision.


  • WTWizard

    I guess they do not know when to stop hounding people to go back to boasting sessions. Once you disagree with a key doctrine, they will not allow you the freedom to your opinion.

  • RollerDave

    You let him have it alright!

    Good work!

    Didn't go quite the way he thought, HA!


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