If it's anything like Jesus Camp, then I recommend you going back to the Witnesses. That is some sick shit goin on over there. You have gone from the frying pan of Witnessville to the fire of Southern Baptistville. Nice lateral move dude! Way to escape from one cult to go right into another! more power to ya falla!
Fade Complete
by yknot 20 Replies latest jw friends
If it's anything like Jesus Camp, then I recommend you going back to the Witnesses. That is some sick shit goin on over there. You have gone from the frying pan of Witnessville to the fire of Southern Baptistville. Nice lateral move dude! Way to escape from one cult to go right into another! more power to ya falla!
Congratulations on your fade yknot! I have to say, why not (excuse the pun) let your kids just have a break and give their brains a breather, rather than jump straigh into a new indoctrination. I mean think about it; "Remember that entire worldview that we taught you was absolutely correct? Well, now it's not. This is what we believe is absolutely correct now." That's got to do some psychological damage. Why don't you just let them enjoy the summer and be kids? Bible camp will be there next year.
LOL I live in a small rural area & all the VBS programs are being run by people I have known since 2nd grade. While I am not close friends with them now (because of JWs) life in a small town has made us all quite chummy (well that and my kids attended a private school at the Lutheran Church for several years with all of theirs.....aahhh the things you can get away with when your hubby is an unbeliever)
There is usually some short non-denominational biblical cartoon.
Discussion about cartoon and it's message.
A craft related to cartoon topic
Sing along time
Practice of some singing or skit that is presented at the end of the work.
Coloring pages about the days lesson....ditto for 4-5 days.
My dad is SB (so is Hubby) and I spent every summer attending several VBS with my cousins. I had lots fun.
If I could drain that KH of all it's members I would do it in a heartbeat. The WTS tightening is having an opposite effect for those 40 and under. The WTS can diss college all they want but on large the population is better educated and more vocal with questioning then our parents. The WTS didn't invest in us as kids and most of us were miserable......so we are not as loyal as our parents/grandparents/great grandparents/ great great grandparents.
well, good for you! No need to feel guilty, it would be better if it was that easy for everyone! Glad you didn't have to struggle as hard as some!
I live in a small southern bible thumping town. VBS sticks with basic bible stories they have heard all their lives
The VBS are the main source of entertainment/ child care during summer. They are the envy of every JW child.
We do not have enough daycares to handle all the older children during summer and they (churches) really step up and help out the parents.
Some kids do all day programs, my daughter will be doing only one week of all-day but includes horseback riding, canoeing, target practice, archery, art, sports training, cheerleading, gymnastics and trips to the only movie theater in 3 counties.......(closest thing to a 'summer camp')
All of this is free.
We also take several weeks off as a family to visit his people in California.......nothing but orchards, crops, and chickens (they love it!)
I don't force my kids to do things that doesn't interest them........if they wanna hang at the pool or veg on the couch some I am game.
Which of course proves I am a lousy JW parent....I don't give enough discipline, am 'soft' on my kids, and encourage them to think for themselves.....even if it means disagreeing with my beliefs. Viva the individual!......
Yep I am either gonna die at Armageddon or Jehovah isn't going to find me worthy of remembering.....LOL
horrible life
yknot, Good for YOU and your kids!!
My daughter used to hit all of the vacation bible schools, and church summer camps, that she could squeeze in every summer. She loves just being around people.
As I write, she is at Episcopal Church camp, 150 miles away. for a week. Took her up Sunday. She is 16, and has been going to this one for 8 years. It was packed with teenagers. The director said they had the biggest turnout in years for the high school group. You should have seen the hugging, and squeeling going on. These kids only see each other 1 time a year.
Several girls told the director, that this group has always been close. They lost 3 teenagers to a small plane crash a few months ago. Many My Space memorials to them.
Your children will have a great time. If they have the same lessons next week, at a different church, BiG DeAL!!! They will be around different kids, making new friends. Even in a small town, you need to associate with others, besides the same ole' friends. You may find that the stuck up girl, isn't so bad!!!
OK, sorry about the knee jerk reaction. That does sound like fun, & just the type of thing they've been missing being raised dubs. I hope your kids have fun this summer, and again, congrats!
That is one good thing--being able to plan real fun this summer instead of sitting in the Grand Boasting Session, with that hot suit and embarrassment badge. And having to obey a ton of stupid rules.
Celebration is in order!
Here ye go...