:MOM: Yes, you're idiot and you have no love in heart.
She said that with love in her heart?
by megawatt 28 Replies latest jw experiences
:MOM: Yes, you're idiot and you have no love in heart.
She said that with love in her heart?
DO try to keep in regular contact via mail or telephone even if there is little response.
DO express sincere love for the cult member at every available opportunity.
DO keep a diary of comments, attitudes and events associated with his/her life in the cult.
DO always welcome the cult member back into the family home no matter what is said.
DO keep copies of all written correspondence from you and the individual.
DO record all the names, addresses and phone numbers of people linked with the cult.
DO try to bite your tongue if the cult member makes unkind comments.
DO read all of the recommended books relating to cults and mind control, as well as reading other information on the cult in question.
DO seek help and information from organisations specialising in counter-cult work. We care about you and your individual situation.
DO NOT rush into adopting a potential solution before carefully researching the cult problem.
DO NOT say:"You are in a cult; you are brainwashed".
DO NOT give money to the member of the group.
DO NOT feel guilty. This is not a problem caused by families.
DO NOT act in an angry or hostile manner towards the cult member.
DO NOT feel alone. It happens to thousands of families every year.
DO NOT underestimate the control the cult has over a member.
DO NOT antagonise the cult member by ridiculing his/her beliefs.
DO NOT be judgemental or confrontational towards the cult member.
DO NOT antagonise any of the cult's leadership or members.
DO NOT be persuaded by a cult 'specialist' to pay large sums of money without verifying his/her qualifications.
DO NOT give up hope of success in helping your family member to leave the group no matter how long the involvement has already been
DO NOT neglect yourself or other family members.
Lots of good advice here.
I sure am sorry your mom said that to you.
MY mom told me, "I love you like a son, but you ARE the evil slave..."
"Like" a son?!?!?
"THE" Evil Slave?!?!?
Ahh the whacky madcap adventures among the glazed-eye culties.
Hang in there!
Roller Dave,
: MY mom told me, "I love you like a son, but you ARE the evil slave..."
Then your mom doesn't even know what her own religion teaches about that. The "evil slave" CLASS was concocted by Rutherford to demonize anointed members who left when he came to and abused his power over the WTS. The "evil slave" is only anointed members who leave the WTS.
Unless you were supposed to be anointed, your mom can't even get her own WT doctrine straight!
JW`s produce such loving mothers..LOL!!........I was called "The Devils Disciple" and "The Son of Satan!"..........WTF!!.."Son of Satan!"..???..........Would`nt that make my mom,"Satans Whore"?...................
I asked my ex once "have your repented and accepted Jesus as your savior?... her eyes rolled back in her head like she was possessed for a few moments... and she refused to address the question.
They get on a track and stick to it...dont they?
My sister said the exact same thing when I sent her the Br. Brown interview.
MOM: if dosen't build me up. I don't want to see and I don't care.
I didn't even say it was anything negative but for some reason she said she knew she shouldn't listen to it!
UHHH...its only one your precious WT spokesmen!!!
My mom said me and my DF sister are under Satan's control. Switch's mom said she's an apostate (not in a good way). Moms are dumb. (no offence non-dumb moms) I thought moms weren't allowed to say stuff like this.
Yeah, I understand there is do's and dont's, but the verbal barrage can get the best of ya'. Sometimes, it's real hard to bite the tongue, especially dealing with jw logic.
Thanks for listening and for the advice.