did you have CO's with speical dietary requirements ??

by karter 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DazedAndConfused

    My diehard JW parents are here right now......another story.

    Mom was talking up a storm and one of the stories she told was about an Overseers wife. Don't remember if it was a CO or Do's wife. Anyway, the wife needed special treatment because of a 'conditional' situation she encountered in Puerto Rico. My mom asked her how long she was diagnosed with this.....and the woman had the nerve to say she was never diagnosed but "KNEW" this is what she had.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    C/O's wife couldn't eat Mushrooms I believe...then someone served her a dish with them in it...oops! Sick for days.

  • wildfell

    EVERY flippin CO and/or his 'fragile' (read spoilt and neurotic) wife has a long long list of dietary requirements. Man, I would have loved to tell those people to their faces that their supposed bad health stemmed from their depression, aggression and misery!

    The ingredients that they could/would eat was prohibitively expensive. I got fed up with the expense and the arrogant, unappreciative attitude so I point blank refused requests from the elders to feed the king and queen of the circuit.

    We had elders BEGGING the congregation to entertain the CO. No response. So they would hound people after the meetings. Still no-one was willing. It was then explained to the CO and wife that they would have to see to their own meals. Those were the only times I chuckled away at the meetings.

    Yeah CO and wife, your sense of entitlement gave US the gut ache!

  • Mulan

    There were many with special diets. I remember one who would eat nothing from the cabbage family (broccoli, brussells sprouts, cauliflower), no aluminum foil or aluminum pans for cooking.

    Another required yogurt, but it had to be the kind from the health food store..............nothing from the grocery store.

    Lots of them had no sugar in anything requirements.

    One CO wife, rarely showed up for field service because of her health, but she never missed lunch. Later, when they left the circuit work, because of her poor health, she got a full time job. Who can figure?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Many C.O.'s had dietary requirements. I wonder that WTS told them to do this,
    so that they could be healthier. It seems that the restrictions went beyond
    allergies. It usually extended to foods that were not so good for you, but were
    commonly served- rich foods, high carbs foods.

    My theory: WTS would tell them to restrict their diets to keep them healthier.
    Many would get quite upset at "the friends" violating this restriction. I have seen
    it often.

  • bluesbreaker59

    Oh yes, they were ALL sickly individuals it seemed. The last one I was around looked like Beavis with salt and pepper colored hair and glasses. He and his wacko wife had tons of special diet requirements, and he was constantly telling jokes. He thought he was a real comedian, I thought he was a snake in the grass. His wife, would only eat like "twigs and berries", she ate no meat at all, except filet mignon... She couldn't have her clothes washed in any detergent, instead she had some all natural stuff. She wore no makeup, and her hair was wild. He would constantly run meetings way over time. I really didn't like them. My dad and stepmom have been the "host family" for about the last 10 years, and I would presume that they still are.

    Though they never had the CO stay when I lived at home, I think they were afraid I'd say or do something wrong, or that I'd act "normal". You see, I didn't "kiss the fat ass". When the CO was around I treated him just like everyone else, I didn't get there early, or seek him out, I just treated him like any other person at the congo. I always hated watching elders, and persons that were NEVER there, "kiss the fat ass". I also always hated the statement "the Brothers in New York extend their blessings and love". Why did we need THEIR blessing???

  • hillbilly

    the one I took out one time had a special requirment... meduim rare.........and lots of it.

    We had all the classic weirdnicks pass through.. all of them still had a trailer back then. A couple would send a list out for cold dishes etc... sort of a one way pot luck. But other than that most seemed to take care of their own chow.


  • ssrriotsquad

    I knew of plenty of CO's that had specific dietry requirements, and none of them where medically sound.

    We had one guy that could not eat bread, another who could not eat food cooked in various different oils, also most had the usual dairy complaints, but they loved their icecream!

    The funniest and hypocritical one I heard was one who couldn't eat red meat due to producing excessive iron in his blood, but he loved eating nuts and mushrooms (which contain high amounts of iron in them).

    I remember one sister was told by the CO's wife that they would not be eating at her place as they were going some other place straight after the morning witnessing group, but they would like their lunch meal packed for them so that they could take it with them. This was told to her at the service group that very day. I know what I would have said to her!

  • DaCheech

    Mario Beltrami was the friggin pickiest eater. He put me to shame............... and YES he did not eat out of aluminum pans

  • StAnn

    We had one CO who was allergic to alfalfa. Glad he told us. Geez, I have to take special pains not to cook with alfalfa.

    What did he think we were, cows?

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