Thank you for the welcome. I've been a member of another board and lurked here for a while. I do know a few here. Jag, nice explanation of the 90/90. There is a commercial on TV around here about a smoking cessation program. "If you can learn to (drive a car, get dressed, feed yourself) without smoking, you can quit smoking." In addition to the body not processing alcohol "normally" (just as a diabetics body does not process sugar normally), the person has developed physical and psychological habits to support the body's improper reaction and further craving of the drug. Time to overlay those "living to drink" tapes with "living sober" behavior. Practice, practice, practice. (ugh). If you're dedicated to working the inexpensive therapeutic program of Alcoholics Anonymous and ask How many meetings should I attend per week? The answer is "One meeting for each drink you took during a week." In early sobriety, 2 years, and wanted "it", so badly, there were many weeks that I attended 9-15 meetings. 6:30 am, Noon, 5:30 or 7:00 pm. I can tell you, today I have "it": peace. inside. and a general overall sense of happiness. That's my "it".
AA..Ding Dong round 2
by digderidoo 24 Replies latest jw friends
I've been sober since August 29, 2005 thanks to AA. Shop around if need be and find a group you're comfortable with. Put simply, its the best thing that ever happened to me. Looking back I can see the seeds of alcholism clear back in high school, a number of years before I became a dub. JW's do like their drink, although they won't admit it.
Keep up with your program, feel free to PM me anytime you want.
Digdoo, good luck my friend! I have escaped into the bottle to often and too deeply and really don't want to do that again. Mine was to escape pain and things I could not change or face. Your situation is so social over there...totally different from just an escape I think. I listened to a National Public Radio week long series about how different treatment is over there compared to the USA. It indicated that control and setting a limit on yourself was more effective than the AA tactic of total abstinence. That does NOT mean it is better for you! Some may be able to set a limit and be quite happy with that....but many know that to NEVER start is a sure way to never get drunk. Drinking is a problem only if it causes you problems as I understand it. I seem to have way more energy when not drinking....but my mind then starts working at warp speed....not always a good thing......oompa
your post has touched a nerve with me. I too have a problem that I have spoken openly about on this site.
Your comments about how aliive you feel when sobre are so true. Any how I've managed to stay off the drink now for 5 weeks (today), and am waiting to start with the ant-abuse medication, hope fully in the next two weeks.
Have to say I'm feeling really positive, and managing to stay off just fine at the moment, but I pretty certain that in the short/ long term the meds wil help.
I'll keep all my JWD friend up to date with progres, but like you, I have valued being able to come here and recieve support.
(thanks every one)
With this in mind i have decided to attend AA again and go to a meeting tomorrow night, i think abstinence is the only forward for me. I went out on Friday night for a friends birthday with the intention of only having a few, but ended up spending the weekend recovering.
I wish you the best we share a birthday in common, You know what you need and admitting it is the important thing isn't it. Aries have a strong determination
you will make it, we are survivors.