Can someone please scan the program from the "Guided by God's Spirit" district convention?
2008-09 convention FULL PROGRAM
by metajw 21 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board! I would like to see the Full Program too!
2008-2009 "Guided by God's Spirit" District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses Friday
"The Spirit Will Guide You Into All the Truth" – John 16:13
Why Be Guided By God's Spirit?
Holy Spirit At Work in Creation
Symposium:Faithful Ones of Old Guided By God's Spirit
In Moses Time
In the Days of the Judges
In the First Century
Keynote Address: Holy Spirit's Role in the Outworking of Jehovah's Purpose
Answers to Questions About Holy Spirit
The Spirit Searches Into the Deep Things of God
Become Hearers and Doers of God's Word
Symposium: Young People Walk By Holy Spirit
At School
At Work
In the Family
In the Congregation
During Social Activities
When Alone
Young People – Safeguard Your Relationship With Jehovah
"Sowing With A View To the Spirit" – Galatians 6:8
Symposium: Directed By God's Spirit In Our Ministry
Dedication and Baptism
Bible Writers Bourne Along By Holy Spirit
Symposium: Empowered By Holy Spirit
To Fight Temptation
To Cope With Tiredness and Discouragement
To Withstand Persecution
To Resist Harmful Peer Pressure
To Endure Adversity
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
"Keep Walking By Spirit" – Galatians 5:16
Symposium: Cultivate the Fruitage of the Spirit(9 Parts - Discusses each aspect of the sprit's fruitage mentioned at Galatians 5:22, 23)
Public Talk: Reap Blessings Through Jehovah's Spirit Guided King
Do Not Leave the Love You Had At First (Depicts attitudes and situations that likely existed at the end of the 1st century as the great apostasy was setting in.)
Loyally Serving With Jehovah's Spirit Directed Organization -
Wasanelder Once
By the look of Sunday's program, apostasy must be subject numero uno. I guess the net is kicking some serious butt. W.Once
District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses
“The Spirit…Will Guide You Into All the Truth”
– John 16:13
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 190 and Prayer
9:40 Chairman’s Address:
Why Be Guided by God’s Spirit?
10:10 Hearing From Those Helped by Previous Conventions
10:30 Holy Spirit – At Work in Creation!
10:50 Song No. 79 and Announcements
11:00 Symposium: Faithful Ones of Old
- Guided by God’s Spirit
In Moses’ Time
In the Days of the Judges
In the First Century
11:40 Keynote Address: Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking
of Jehovah’s Purpose
12:10 Song No. 42 and Intermission
1:50 Music
2:00 Song No. 57
2:05 Answers to Questions About Holy Spirit
“The Spirit Searches Into…the Deep Things of God”
2:45 Become Hearers and Doers of God’s Word
3:15 Song No. 157 and Announcements
Symposium : Young People – Walk by Holy Spirit!
At School
At Work
In the Family
In the Congregation
During Social Activities
When Alone
4:25 Young People – Safeguard Your Relationship With
4:55 Song No. 191 and Closing Prayer
“Sowing With a View to the Spirit”
– Galatians 6:8
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 215 and Prayer
9:40 Examining God’s Inspired Word is Beneficial
9:50 Symposium:
Directed by God’s Spirit in Our Ministry
“Speaking the Word of God With Boldness”
Skillfully Wielding “the Sword of the Spirit”
“The Spirit and the Bride Keep on Saying: ‘Come!’”
10:50 Song No. 123 and Announcements
11:00 Receive God’s Spirit, Not the World’s
11:20 “The Minding of the Spirit Means Life & Peace”
11:40 Baptized “in the Name of…the Holy Spirit”
12:10 Song No. 207 and Intermission
1:50 Music
2:00 Song No. 46
2:05 Bible Writers – “Borne Along by Holy Spirit”
2:25 Symposium: Empowered by Holy Spirit
To Fight Temptation
To Cope With Tiredness & Discouragement
To Withstand Persecution
To Resist Harmful Peer Pressure
To Endure Adversity
3:25 Sow “With a View to the Spirit”
3:45 Song No. 3 and Announcements
3:55 “Do Not Be Grieving God’s Holy Spirit”
4:25 “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love”
4:55 Song No. 10 and Closing Prayer
“Keep Walking by Spirit”
- Galatians 5:16
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 163 and Prayer
9:40 Considering the Day’s Text Helps Us Walk by Spirit
9:50 Symposium: Cultivate “the Fruitage of the Spirit”
11:20 Song 209 and Announcements
Public Talk:
Reap Blessing Through Jehovah’s Spirit-
Guided King!
12:00 Song No. 4 and Intermission
1:30 Music
1:40 Song No. 98
D RAMA : Do Not Leave “the Love You Had at First”
2:35 Summary of
The Watchtower
3:05 Song No. 8 and Announcements
3:15 Loyally Serving With Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed
4:00 Song No. 212 and Closing Prayer
for starters, you're missing the saturday symposium, it has 3 parts, "Speaking the Word of God with Boldness," "Directed by God’s Spirit in Our Ministry," "Skillfully Wielding the Sword of the Spirit." - and those are just the ones I know about, that you're missing. So again, if someone could scan the program (or type it out, should one prefer to do so, but I figured scanning would be faster and easier). What I'm really looking for are the TIMES of talks (and not just the talks mentioned in the june awake, but ALL the them). I was hoping it would go up on but it looks like that site is not being updating anymore. Too bad, because the owner of it used to type up the FULL program soon after the first assemblies or conventions started. Thanks again
(see above) (must have missed the second posting)
“Sowing With a View to the Spirit”
– Galatians 6:8
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 215 and Prayer
9:40 Examining God’s Inspired Word is Beneficial
9:50 Symposium:
Directed by God’s Spirit in Our Ministry
“Speaking the Word of God With Boldness”
Skillfully Wielding “the Sword of the Spirit”
“The Spirit and the Bride Keep on Saying: ‘Come!’”
UPDATE: Thank you blondie much appreciated
Good. Now I will not have to go there to find out what crap they are going to be force fed. And if, for some reason, the hounders succeed in physically dragging me in, I will be prepared for the fallacies, the lies, and the guilt that they are going to put on people. Continue to do more field circus, no matter what. Do not do anything that might lead to gratification of innate desires. And above all, stay the fxxx away from those apostate forums.
Not to mention, the deficit will be announced at the Sunday afternoon announcements after they take the cut for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. I highly recommend that no one put anything in those boxes after that announcement is made--if they finish in the red, so be it.
Or, better yet, for those who do not absolutely have to go, just don't go. You will get the details of the puke filled experiences (fake) and houndings to do ever more. There may be fake experiences about how people went back into the world, joined a superior "secret society" or another church, and then renounced them for the Washtowel. If so, they are blatantly fake and should be viewed as such.
"(Depicts attitudes and situations that likely existed at the end of the 1st century as the great apostasy was setting in.)"
I love how the society can use the word likely and the Jehorobots will nod their heads until they come off, accepting it as undeniable fact. First drama I've heard of where the entire story was MADE UP!