2008= Man who used Spiritism for winning Lottery numbers becomes Witness!

by Witness 007 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    2008 Awake July p.11 "Bibles view of Spiritism" "...Says Luis who is from Puerto Rico;"From the time I was a child, my family was involved in spiritism....I thought my ability to foresee the future and read Tarot cards was natural. I could often pick Lottery numbers and help others win money." {??? he must be rich...Oh only for "others" what a shame!}

    "A man from Chad {why is it always 3rd world countries?} demons began harassing and torturing me every night.....calling out to Jehovah to protect me made it stop."

    IN 2008 THE AWAKE IS STILL PREACHING THIS 3RD WORLD MUMBO JUMBO!!! For intelligent educated people this is all a load of crap.

  • kwintestal

    The demonz can't afford housing prices in this area. Plus the climate is a bit cool for them in the winter months.


  • WingCommander

    I can just see the next Young People Ask! book with demon experiences. It will go something like this....

    "This one time.....at band camp.....a Demon came into me and made me put a flute into my......"

    What dribble!! Demons this, demons that. Also, are we not to call upon Jesus? I mean, it's what he instructed his apostles to do....hmmmmm.

    - Wing Commander

  • Octarine Prince
  • WTWizard

    That sure sounds like another fake experience. If this guy can do it, so can anyone else. I wonder what actual blessing this person actually received, and being a pioneer or hounder does not count. And neither does leading 50 others into the cancer.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Wouldn't this guy be a millionaire if he could guess Lottery numbers yet he lives in poor as Pueto Rico???? I can't believe the Awake magazine has not "grown up" and is still in the dark ages.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    That's just it, the WT has grown up. They've learned how to reel in those that DO believe this crap. Much like any other attention getting rag.

  • watson

    We're already gone in this country, demunz have moved on to the darker continents where they still believe!!

  • sparrow

    Can someone please direct me to an evil spirit? I have entered the 50 Million dollar lotto tonight and want to check my numbers.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Demons know the lotto numbers?? =Evil people are Billionares..could be true.

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