Q&A article explaining how to prepare for the ministry and why it's important to do so. Par 2 - How to Prepare Good preparation starts with becoming acquainted with the literature we plan to offer. -- At no point in the article does it mention the Bible.
KM May 2008 - "Be Ready for Every Good Work"
by passwordprotected 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Eyes Open
Typical. So much for bible bashing...
It would be great if someone could regularly scan the KM's. -
That has something to do with that they want you to place the littera-trash, usually a washtowel or asleep, and not the Bible. They want you to take a feature article of the washtowel or asleep (or waste of paper), and have a couple of sentences of summary for that. Obviously, the Bible is not part of the feature, unless a scripture is cited (out of context) to support it.
White Dove
Does anyone see what I see? The whole thing resembles selling Avon or Mary Kay. The meetings are similar with sales training.
I can't see the scan..............
The whole thing resembles selling Avon or Mary Kay. The meetings are similar with sales training.
I couldn't agree more, White Dove....!!
At no point in the article does it mention the Bible.
I can remember being in service all day, and never once getting my Bible out... but then, neither did anyone else for that matter...
Heh...speaking of "sales"...
One comment on this article at our meeting was "If you're selling something, you're not going to have many sales if you're not familiar with the product..."
A moment's pause, and then the sister practically sprained her tongue trying to retract it: "Not that we're selling anything of course!!!"
Every once in blue moon, a moment of lucidity comes to even the most die-hard JW, but then the defense mechanisms spring to life and all is forgotten.
It is SO true that it's like Avon/Mary Kay. My wife was working for an Avon-like company (a legitimate company, all which are known as MLM, or multi-level marketing companies) anyways all the training, focus, and discussions are SO much like the JWs.
MLMs spend a lot of time boasting about themselves, and recruiting. Ironically, they also have a very high turnover rate. -
This sound like a part on the KM we had in 1978, 1979, 1980, etc. etc. etc These people must be stupid, stupid, stupid, to still not get this. The Borg can brag that they were the first ones to start recycling trash. Now this would be somthing they could really brag about!
Jeremy C
Does anyone see what I see? The whole thing resembles selling Avon or Mary Kay. The meetings are similar with sales training.
Yes, I have repeatedly noticed this. I’ve noticed that the organization does not resemble the first century congregation; it represents a modern multi-national corporation with layers of management overseeing six million sales reps. The Watchtower leadership has a bizarre fetish for numbers, statistics, figures, and percentages; much like a for-profit corporation.
Using the Bible from door-to-door is certainly encouraged, but not nearly to the extent of promoting literature placement. I have noticed that an exponentially greater amount of time and effort is devoted to developing literature presentations than there is to developing the abilities to discuss Christian doctrine with the Bible.
All of this is not surprising really. The Watchtower organization was born as a literature producing operation. The tradition of literature production and distribution is part of the organization’s DNA - you can’t have one without the other.