I've not posted much, but as I've lurked here trying to find the answers about the WT lies, it only re-enforced my disdain for it's cult like properties. I've read the horror stories of some who've been trapped in the "JW-multi gen" families trying to extricate themselves from the BORG, and truly have empathy for "these ones".
I have also attended a couple of months worth of Sun meetings with my wife (I listen to the talk, then walk during the WTS) and as you've seen from previous posts, if the speaker lies, I will point it out to him after the meeting. But yesterday in a conversation with my wife I shared with her what I read on JWD, compared to how her congregation operates. My conclusion? They don't match up! Sure they have over-zealous, luke warm and "just here cause I haven't found anything better" JWs, but I haven't been privy to any major horror stories. Though not all of the "friends" carry on conversations with me, there are friends young and old who almost seem to gravitate toward me with genuine pleasantness, despite the fact that they know I'm not down with, nor do I tolerate the WTS in any form (they've asked why I leave the WTS meeting, and I've told them). When we were having marital problems 6 months ago, the elder(who was aware of the problems) stood down at my request in a private meeting, though he could likely have held a JC and persecuted my wife for her actions. According to what I read from some on JWD, most edlers wouldn't have hesitated to do so.
Also, as I spoke with my wife about the "No higher education" issue, she assured me that she knew it was important for our kids to further thier education. Additionally, the presiding elder of this cong holds 2 degrees, his daughter holds her Masters and several of the 20-something married couples are either moving toward or have degrees. I told her about the post on JWD from the young lady who was persuaded to destroy her husbands memorial flag, and the elder whose doubts over the dropping the extra meeting brought him to JWD just days ago...She seemed to have empathy for those stories and then told me that she doesn't take all that she reads form the WT as "Law". Needless to say it was very promising to hear this news, though it puzzled me, until my wife brought up the issue of race. Her opinion is that non-african-american congregations are not as "loving", and by being less personal, maybe that is the root of some of the horror stories here on JWD.
So I guess part of the dialog for this post poses the question;
Is there a difference among white congregations compared to african-american or latino congregations?