How was marriage viewed in your congregation?

by Alexia 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alexia

    I ask because I see a lot of posts here about how the Borg discourages marriage. My experience is quite the opposite. Young people were pressured into getting married the minute someone from the cong. (more than likely an elder or gossiping “sister”) saw two members of the opposite alone in public together. Those who were in their late teens and early 20’s were in a hurry to marry. My guess is because of the strict rules about sex so we horny young folk wanted to marry to avoid trouble. Add to this, dates, etc had to be chaperoned. How are you supposed to have intimate conversations about your lives with others hanging around all the time?? Of course this all was a recipe for disastrous marriages. When I was dating this one guy, I was too young to be dating someone 12 years my senior. Despite concerns from some members of the congregations, elders kept pressuring us into setting a date because we don’t want to look bad. We only dated for a year before we got married.

    There were a lot of concerns about the guy I married, but no on bothered to pull me aside and tell me about them. I didn’t find out about this “talk” until after we were married.

    You would think for a decision so permanent according to the Borg. they wouldn’t pressure a 19/20 year old into marriage.

    Thoughts? How was marriage viewed in your congregation?

  • TinyDancer124

    My ex and I were married when I was 19 and he was 20. We had dated almost a year and a half before marriage, which was almost unheard of. One of my sisters dated for 6 months and my other sister for 9 months before marrying. That was more common. In my congregation, people were told to wait for marriage, or even hold it off indefinitely (not date indefinitely, of course...just never spend any time with the opposite sex lol). In my ex's congregation, people were encouraged to marry young. So it seems to depend a lot on location.

  • VoidEater
    VoidEater congregation was all about "get married before you get pregnant", while another was "Paul tells us to be single an pioneer". Others were in betwen. It seems to me that the congs that encouraged marriage happened to be filled with younger adults who were recently married, while the congs that were more in favor of celibacy and pioneering tended to be filled with older people.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years
    You would think for a decision so permanent according to the Borg. they wouldn’t pressure a 19/20 year old into marriage.

    Brooklyn doesn't care, they keep themselves sheltered from the realities of life, but tell everyone else how to live. The congregations are so afraid paranoid that dating will result in sexual misconduct that they will pressure young kids to commit to marriage whether it's a good idea or not. They want to keep the congregation clean no matter who they throw under the bus.

    There were a lot of concerns about the guy I married, but no on bothered to pull me aside and tell me about them. I didn’t find out about this “talk” until after we were married.

    I saw this happen many times. Everyone knew the marriage would be miserable, but none of the "loving" brothers and sisters would say anything because of fear and the obligation to protect the congregation from wrongdoing. Of course, when the couple starts having problems, it is their own fault.

    It takes a few minutes to say "I do", but it's a long time afterward.

  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    In the southern united states it is most definitely a push to get married. It is very common for pre-twenties to be married.

  • yknot

    Engagement announcements were expected after 2 weeks of dating.....

    Lots of long-term separations and divorces too......

  • Hope4Others

    Obviously marriage forever was greatly lacking in our hall. It was perfectly fine for 4 couples to divorce, stay in the same cong. re-marry and

    then all hang out together......


  • WTWizard

    They put up such an obstacle course that, of course, was specifically targeted to keep me out of it. They wanted me to join the Value Destroyer Training School so I could be used to build up Critical Mass so they could start the whole world into the Second Dark Ages. Obviously, they were prepared to fight to the death anything that came my way. And, with the most effective tool being to go to the hounder-hounder and get me rejected at all the Big, Great, and Grand Boasting Sessions, they didn't have much to do after.

    And Jehovah Baghead Himself finished by going to all the worldly people so I couldn't get married (or do fornication) with worldly people. Somehow, with the fact that one of the hounders' family has shown interest in hosting me before I slithered out, that adds up to


  • S3RAPH1M

    One idiot told me stay away from the 'sisters', he was a Bet-HELL-ite, what a homo suggestion. A different dummy told me to be single and build Kingdom Halls. Some elders encourage marriage no later than 1 year after dating, and 1 year being the absolute latest.

  • hillbilly

    as a pre-req to sex

    Some of us read ahead a little... I heard the verse read often... but never heard an elder in his right mind say he expected it to work.



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