Ok this is for all of you who don't attend anymore.
I had a friend come over last night. We've been best mates since we were kids, he was brought up in the ' truth ', but left a number of years ago. We talk about just everything. We go back a long way, so can relate to WT issues, whereas i can't with other friends.
We spoke last night about how time to time we still think about attending a meeting. It came as a shock to me that he stills holds JW core beliefs, even though he hasn't been for about 8 years. His lifestyle is so different to the JW, so this he said is one thing that holds him back from going, because he would have to change such a lot.
As for myself, i related how even though i have issues with some core beliefs, it's weird how from time to time i do admit that i think about attending a meeting. It's as though the JW in me is still there somewhere. Even though i left 12 years ago, since that time i partied too hard to care, so it's only now that i am looking at the issues and reasons as to why i left and why i don't attend anymore.
Now i don't want to get into the rights and wrongs of going back. If and it's a big IF i did, i know i have a vast array of knowledge that i can base the pro's and cons of it on.
It came as a bit of a shock to me when my mate said that he thinks from time to time about going back and i just wondered whether this is normal for an ex jw? Or is it just me and my mate?
So without bashing the WT, because i can do that as well as the next person, do you ever think of going back to a meeting?