Ferret: I'm so sorry for all of that.
Don't give up on family that you love. Don't be the one to shun in return. In the end, you must live with yourself when your parents are gone. Know when it is all said and done, and they have died, that you did all you could to show respect and love, even if they didn't return it.
Good idea. I try to do that in a way. Since I organized the reunion last October, I had invitations printed and sent to EVERYONE, even though I knew the jws wouldn't come. Then after the reunion, I had cards printed up with a snowflake scene recapping the reunion and sent them to EVERYONE, even if they didn't attend. Invitations for this year's reunion have already been mailed to EVERYONE, even though I know the jws won't come again this year, and I'll probably do the recapping cards again too for EVERYONE.