Intimacy vs Warm Camaraderie
by SixofNine 57 Replies latest jw friends
yes - obvious when pointed out
I first saw this with a negative spin and immediately moved on without reading anything.
I was born in 1952 in Burbank, California. I have throughout my life met people that think that anyone less that white are subhuman. I'm part Osage Indian. I suppose I'm subhuman as well. Never in my lifetime has this topic come more to the fore than now. I've heard from my neighbors..."You know those blacks just want to take over". "That Obama might do ok, but you know those blacks are thieves". Or, the most disgusting line...McCaine, I really don't like him....but he has experience. Sadly, my neighbors most recently have learned this from the "local" media. Expressed as the "concerns of the voters". Flood the tv mind numbed crowd with the rhetoric and they will parrot it back to you.
I used to think education was the cure for our social ills. I'm begining to believe global warming may be the remedy.
I could be wrong...but look deeper. It looks as if Condi is trying to put on a bit of a show as in "This is intimate." The 2nd pic looks more like O is actually tickled as hell. I am not sure, but a picture can be swayed whatever way it needs to be for the person presenting its liking. So personally, I in my own mind could see an entire different thing besides intimacy in that first picture.
Some times people try to look as if they are more to you than what they are...One never knows what is going on inside O's Mind. Or For the whole mattter it could be he does or may not give a rat's ass in the way one or another may interpret the photo. I personally feel that it has to be a whole different world for him being mixed. I know it is for me. Sometimes being the token white person if one team needs a batter...or vice~versa can make a light skinned person who is mixed feel pretty alienated from both sides.
Looks are different from what is sometimes. OK...a lot of the time.
Flame away. Or hopefully not. I personally would not make a damn thing of it. (the two pictures that is)
On another forum I found the following:
Barack Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While Barack Obama's father was from Kenya, his father's family was mainly Arabs.. Barack Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro).
If correct, then Obama does not qualify as the first Black American president, Though his wife will be the first black First Lady. But I doubt the media will let the facts get in the way.
Thank you for that deeply researched opinion which will undoubtedly form your new gospel, Forscher. I feel like I speak for the forum, nay, all Americans, when I say that we have been deeply enlightened in extremely relevant ways by your posting.
Thank you for that deeply researched opinion which will undoubtedly form your new gospel, Forscher. I feel like I speak for the forum, nay, all Americans, when I say that we have been deeply enlightened in extremely relevant ways by your posting.
Your welcome for your sarcasm SixofNine. You comment is quit revealing as well.
It pretty much shows what the tone will be anytime criticism of the party line is offered. You did not offer any researched rebuttal of my post and implied something ugly instead. Since I did not imply my offering to be "gospel" truth I demonstrated my willingness to be corrected if better proof could be offered. So you imputed a motive to me which was not there. Please offer such proof if you have it.
Since that will likely be the way others approach the subject of Obama, this promises to be one of the ugliest elections in modern history.
lol, you offer something up that is A) kinda outrageous sounding, B) Stupid on it's face C) sourced from a wanker (probably either you, or someone very much like you) on an Australian yahoo message board.
But I'm supposed to track down proof that this made up piece of shit is a made up piece of shit. Yeah, right.
"Uh, yeah, he's 87.5 arab, Bob, and 12.5% African negro".... wtf does that even mean? How stupid do you have to be to think that that might possibly be a true, researched piece of information? Or that it is even POSSIBLE to have that information? Or that such information would really make a point.
If correct, then Obama does not qualify as the first Black American president,
And his skin color and background matter, because... exactly why? This is the kind of "mud thrown against the wall" I know we can expect during this election cycle.
< sarcasm on >
Oh no, we might have an American president of Arab descent! Barack HUSSEIN Obama with an Arab background. He must be related to terrorists somehow. Watch out for B. Hussein Obama!!
< sarcasm off >
lol, you offer something up that is A) kinda outrageous sounding
Really? How so?
B) Stupid on it's face
Unsupported assertion.
C) sourced from a wanker (probably either you, or someone very much like you) on an Australian yahoo message board.
Ad hominem, fallacious argumentation.
But I'm supposed to track down proof that this made up piece of shit is a made up piece of shit. Yeah, right.
Exactly, but don't burden yourself on my account if you can't. Just cut the personal "shit" for once. Or is that the best you can do?
"Uh, yeah, he's 87.5 arab, Bob, and 12.5% African negro".... wtf does that even mean? How stupid do you have to be to think that that might possibly be a true, researched piece of information? Or that it is even POSSIBLE to have that information? Or that such information would really make a point.
And how do you know it isn't? Do you know what information is documented on Kenyan birth certificates? Maybe they are not quite so precise as the information presented, but a reasonable percentage can often be inferred from information given. Really Nine, wouldn't it be better to use facts in rebuttal than simply toss out unsupported charges? I found some interesting possible refutations online with little work, but I am not about to make your case for you.
Try doing it right for once. You might find it refreshing considering how dull and boring your current line is. I would.