"you are an idiot."
No he isn't.
Martin Luther Sounds like He's talking about the WTBTS in the 1500's!
by AuntBee 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
No he isn't.
ya eee is.
Drew - Thanks for sharing your concerns. I should not have juxtaposed "trying to unerstand where he's coming from" with the Luther quote. That was misleading. In reading a lot of the bios, i thought the Luther quote was something a fair amount of the members would appreciate.
I'm just starting to learn about the "mind-control" aspects. It's one thing to read about that, but it's another when you are becoming so fond of someone in your life who is living it. :( I"m a mom, and honestly, aspects of what i'm seeing here are heart-breaking to me.
drew sagan
I see were you are coming from AuntBeeThe only reason I brought up what I did was because i've seen a number of individuals and ministries think that the only way to help JWs is to give them their version of Christianity. Convincing a person of some theological point is sometimes put as more important than some of the basics in dealing with Cults. Some groups even define 'cults' not by their behavior but by what ideas they have about God, and how that differs from their own more traditional christian views.
IP_SEC I agree the sentence you quoted of mine wasn't well stated, and somewhat contradictory. I think that in context with everything I wrote my main point was that the general atmosphere created by the Watchtower is quite conductive to influencing its members (and potential members) decisions and choices they would possibly not make otherwise. Of course this is still their own personal choice to be influenced by such forces, but that's not what I was talking about. -
Im sorry drew, I mistook you for someone else on the board who is an idiot and jumped. My apologies. You are not an idiot. My apologies to you too Zico and to the rest of the board.
I believe that was pretty accurately describing the WT.
Deputy Dog
I think the young Martin Luther (before grace) viewed God much the same way as JWs. The latest movie of his life started me thinking about that.
I agree AuntBee!
Sounds exactly like the WTBTS to me too.