Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-08-08 WT Study (GUIDANCE)

by blondie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-08-08 WT Study (April 15, 2008, pages 7-11(GUIDANCE)Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

    "This God is our God to time indefinite, even forever. He himself will guide us until we die. "-Ps. 48:14.


    God's guidance = only the guidance of the WTS/FDS/GB

    Many jws passively resist the directions of the WTS. Even more than in the past, they "disobey." After all, it is only what humans see that matters. After all, God has left the land and he is not seeing.

    Q. 1, 2. Why should we follow Jehovah's guidance rather than trust in our own wisdom, and what questions arise"?

    WHEN we consider things that are valueless or harmful, it is easy to deceive ourselves. (Prov. 12:11) lf we really want to do something that is not appropriate for a Christian, our heart will often come up with persuasive reasons to do it. (Jer. 17:5, 9) Hence, the psalmist demonstrated wisdom when he prayed to Jehovah: "Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me." (Ps. 43:3) He trusted in Jehovah, not in his own limited wisdom, and he could have looked to no better source for guidance. Like the psalmist, we do well to look to God for direction.

    2. Why, though, should we trust Jehovah's guidance above all other? When should we seek it? What attitudes should we cultivate so as to benefit from it, and how does Jehovah guide us today? These important questions will be discussed in this article.

    a Christian--only a jw

    not appropriate for a jw--e.g., men wearing beards.

    3 OT scriptures

    attitudes--more important in the WTS than authentic ideas

    Ask yourself where Jesus is in this article? Does he guide his followers today?

    Why Trust Jehovah's Guidance?
    Q. 3-5. For what reasons do we have total confidence in Jehovah's guidance?

    3. Jehovah is our heavenly Father. (1 Cor. 8:6) He has a thorough knowledge of each one of us and can read our very hearts. (1 Sam. 16:7; Prov. 21:2) King David said to God: "You yourself have come to know my sitting down and my rising up. You have considered my thought from far off. For there is not a word on my tongue, but, look! O Jehovah, you already know it all." (Ps. 139:2, 4) Since Jehovah knows us so well, how can we doubt that he knows what is best for us? Besides, Jehovah is all-wise. He sees everything, looks deeper than any human, and knows the outcome of things from their beginning. (Isa. 46:9-11; Rom. 11:33) He is "God, wise alone."-Rom.16:27.

    Does Jesus know us well, does he read the hearts of his followers? Why is this conspicuously missing in this article? The Bible Students viewed Jesus as a loving older brother. Does the average jw view Jesus this way now?

    *** w05 2/1 pp. 28-29 Is the Truth Bearing Fruit in Those You Teach? ***

    Jesus, of course, was able to read hearts unerringly. (Matthew 12:25) None of us can do that. Yet, he showed us that we too can discern a person’s desires, motives, and priorities.

    Were Jesus' followers known as Jehovah's Witnesses or Christians? Who were known as Jehovah's Witnesses? The Israelites (Isaiah 43:10-12). The WTS teaches that only anointed jws are spiritual Israelites; doesn't that mean then that only they qualify to be called "Jehovah's Witnesses"?

    (Acts 11:25-26) . . .So he went off to Tarsus to make a thorough search for Saul 26 and, after he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

    4. In addition, Jehovah loves us and always wants what is best for us. (John 3:16; 1 John 4:8) As a loving God, he is generous toward us. The disciple James wrote: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights." (Jas. 1:17) Those who let themselves be guided by God benefit greatly from his generosity.

    How many jws think that if they receive material blessings that it is proof of God's favor on them and those who do not, don't have God's favor?
    5. Finally, Jehovah is almighty. In this regard, the psalmist said: "Anyone dwelling in the secret place of the Most High will procure himself lodging under the very shadow of the Almighty One. I will say to Jehovah: 'You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I will trust.''' (Ps. 91:1, 2) When we follow Jehovah's guidance, we are seeking refuge with the God who cannot fail. Even if we meet opposition, Jehovah supports us. He will not let us down. (Ps. 71 :4, 5; Read Proverbs 3:19-26.) Yes, Jehovah knows what is best for us, wants what is best for us, and has the power to provide what is best for us. How foolish it would he for us to ignore his guidance! When, though, do we need that guidance?

    God's guidance = WTS/FDS/GB guidance

    Jehovah (WTS/FDS/GB) knows what is best for us

    his (WTS/FDS/GB) guidance

    When Do We Need Guidance?
    Q. 6, 7. When do we need Jehovah's guidance?
    6. Really, we need God's guidance throughout our lives, from youth to old age. The psalmist said: "This God is our God to time indefinite, even forever. He himself will guide us until we die." (Ps. 48: 14) Like the psalmist, wise Christians never cease to look to God for guidance.

    Christians--only jws
    7. There are, of course, times when we feel an especiaIly urgent need for help. Sometimes we find ourselves in "sore straits," perhaps facing persecution, a severe illness, or sudden unemployment. (Ps. 69:16, 17) At such times, it is comforting to turn to Jehovah, confident that he will strengthen us to endure and guide us to make good decisions. (Read Psalms 102:17.) However, we also need his help on other occasions. For example, when we set out to speak with our neighbors about the good news of the Kingdom, we need Jehovah's guidance if our witnessing is to be effective. And whenever we have a decision to make-be it about recreation, dress and grooming, association, employment, education, or anything else-we act wisely only if we follow Jehovah's guidelines. In truth, there is no end to the situations in which we need guidance.

    guidance from God = doing it the WTS way


    *** w07 5/15 p. 11 Why Meet Together? ***
    A few may miss meetings because they feel that some form of recreation would be more refreshing than association with the congregation.


    *** w02 8/1 p. 19 par. 17 Stirred by “the Magnificent Things of God” ***

    Before deciding whether to purchase an item of clothing, it is wise to ask yourself: ‘Why does this style appeal to me? Is it identified with some well-known entertainer—someone I admire? Has it been adopted by members of a street gang or by a group that promotes an independent, rebellious spirit?’ We should also look closely at the garment. If it is a dress or a skirt, what about the length? The cut? Is the garment modest, appropriate, and dignified, or is it tight-fitting, provocative, or sloppy? Ask yourself, ‘Will my wearing this garment give cause for stumbling?’


    *** w07 12/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Thus, we might ask ourselves: ‘Am I an example in showing respect for Jehovah’s view of life? Does hunting or fishing dominate my thinking and conversation? Does my way of life reflect the hunting culture, or does it show that I am a minister of God? Does hunting or fishing put me in close association with unbelievers or cause me to neglect my family?


    *** w06 1/1 p. 20 par. 1 How Firm Is Your Trust in God? ***

    A YOUNG man wanted to be more useful in his congregation. The problem was that his secular work interfered with his regular meeting attendance. How did he address the situation? He simplified his life, resigned from his job, and in time found employment that did not interfere with his Christian activities.


    *** w07 5/1 p. 27 par. 15 Youths—Pursue Goals That Honor God ***

    When unbelieving family members disapprove of your choices, the test can be especially severe. Possibly, Timothy had to overcome such opposition. According to one reference work, Timothy’s family probably “belonged to the educated and upper income bracket.” His father may well have expected him to seek higher education and to continue a family business. Imagine how Timothy’s father may have reacted on discovering that Timothy preferred the dangers and financial uncertainties of missionary work with Paul!

    The Dangers of Not Seeking God's Guidance
    Q 8. What were the implications of Eve's eating the forbidden fruit?

    8. Remember, though, that we have to be willing to follow Jehovah's guidance. God will not force us to do so if we do not want to. The first human to choose not to follow Jehovah's guidance was Eve, and her example shows how serious such a bad decision can be. Think, too, of the implications. Eve ate of the forbidden fruit because she wanted "to be like God, knowing good and bad." (Gen. 3:5) In doing so, she put herself in God's place, making her own decisions as to good and evil rather than following Jehovah's guidelines. Thus, she turned her back on Jehovah's sovereignty. She wanted to be her own master. Her husband, Adam, pursued the same rebellious course.-Rom. 5:12.

    God will not force us - but the WTS will be withholding "privileges."

    to be like [the WTS], knowing good and bad - yes, if you don't do it the WTS way, you are defying God

    Who puts themselves in God's place?

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    Q 9. If we reject Jehovah's guidance, '''That are we in effect doing, and why is that most unwise?
    9. Today, if we do not follow Jehovah's guidance, we are likewise failing to acknowledge his sovereignty. Think, for example, of a person who develops the habit of watching pornography. If he is associated with the Christian congregation, he knows Jehovah's guidelines on this matter. Unclean things should not even be mentioned, let alone be gazed at with lascivious enjoyment. (Eph. 5:3) By rejecting Jehovah's guidelines, such a man is denying Jehovah's sovereignty, rejecting His headship. (1 Cor. 11:3) That is most unwise, since, as Jeremiah said, 'it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." -Jer. 10:23.

    Jehovah's guidance = WTS guidance; leave WTS = leaving God

    Pornography = did you know that a jw can be df'd for phone sex?

    denying [God's] sovereignty = denying the WTS sovereignty

    Q 10. Why should we show a responsible attitude in the way we use our free will?

    10. Some might question Jeremiah's words, feeling that since Jehovah gave us free will, he can hardly criticize us for using it. Still, do not forget that free will is a responsibility as well as a gift. We are answerable for the things we choose to say and do. (Rom. 14:10) Jesus said: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." He also said: "Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies." (Matt. 12:34; 15:19) Hence, our words and deeds reveal our heart condition. They show what we really are. That is why a wise Christian seeks Jehovah's guidance in everything. In that way, Jehovah finds him 'upright in his heart' and will "do good" to him.-Ps.125:4.

    free will WTS definition

    *** Does God Care dg part 5 p. 11 The Wonderful Gift of Free Will ***

    Freedom Within Limits

    However, did God purpose for free will to be without limits? Imagine a busy city without any traffic laws, where everybody could drive in any direction at any speed. Would you want to drive under those conditions? No, that would be traffic anarchy and would surely result in many accidents.
    So too with God’s gift of free will. Unlimited freedom would mean anarchy in society. There have to be laws to guide human activities. God’s Word says: “Behave like free men, and never use your freedom as an excuse for wickedness.” (1 Peter 2:16, JB) God wants free will to be regulated for the common good. He purposed for us to have, not total freedom, but relative freedom, subject to the rule of law.

    non-jw definition

    free will (noun)

    freedom of decision or of choice between alternatives
    the freedom of the will to choose a course of action without external coercion but in accordance with the ideals or moral outlook of the individual
    the doctrine that people have such freedom

    Q 11. What do we learn from the history of Israel?
    11. Remember the history of Israel. When that nation made good choices, obeying Jehovah's commands, Jehovah protected them. (Josh. 24:15, 21, 31) Frequently, though, they misused their free will. ln Jeremiah's day, Jehovah said of them: "They did not listen, neither did they incline their ear, but they went walking in the counsels in the stubbornness of their bad heart, so that they became backward in direction and not forward. (Jer. 7:24-26) How sad! May we never, because of stubbornness or self-indulgence, reject Jehovah's guidance and walk in our own counsels and thus become "backward in direction and not forward"!

    Why does the WTS pattern itself after Israel even to the point of using more OT examples than NT examples for Christians?

    walk in our own counsels = not doing what the WTS says and says the Bible says.

    reject [God's] guidance = rejecting the WTS

    *** w04 2/15 p. 16 par. 6 Guard Against Deception ***

    Apostates may claim to worship Jehovah and to believe the Bible, but they reject the visible part of his organization

    What Does It Take to Follow God's Counsel?

    Q. 12, 13. (a) What quality makes us want to follow Jehovah's guidance? (b) Why is faith essential?

    12. Our love for Jehovah makes us want to follow his guidance. (1 John 5:3) However, Paul pointed to something else that we need when he said: "We are walking by faith, not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:6, 7) Why is faith important? Well, Jehovah leads us in "the tracks of righteousness," but those tracks do not lead to wealth or privilege in this world. (Ps. 23:3) For that reason, our eye of faith needs to be fixed on the incomparable spiritual rewards that come from serving Jehovah. (Read 2 Corinthians 4:17, 18.) And faith helps us to be content with modest material provisions. -1 Tim. 6:8.

    Where is the love for Jesus?

    incomparable spiritual rewards = the carrot that brings people into jws and keeps them there, the promise of life eternal on a paradise earth.

    content with modest material provisions = what does the WTS define as modest? Is it really what you have or your attitude about it?
    13. Jesus indicated that true worship involves self-sacrifice, which also takes faith. (Luke 9:23, 24) Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, enduring poverty, oppression, prejudice, even severe persecution. (2 Cor. 11 :23-27; Rev. 3:8-10) Only strong faith enabled them to do so with joy. (Jas. 1:2, 3) Strong faith makes us absolutely confident that following Jehovah's guidance is always best. It is always for our ultimate good. We have no doubt whatsoever that the reward for those who loyally endure is far greater than any temporary suffering.-Heb. 11:6.

    so how many jws in countries such as the US, Canada, UK, Australia endured proverty or severe persecution?

    whose guidance is always best = the WTS, right?

    reward = carrot
    Q 14. Why did Hagar have to display humility?
    14. Consider, too, the role of humility in following Jehovah's guidance. The example of Hagar, Sarah's maidservant, demonstrates this. When Sarah continued childless, she gave Hagar to Abraham, and Hagar became pregnant with Abraham's child. Then, Hagar became arrogant toward her barren mistress. As a result, Sarah "began to humiliate her," and Hagar ran away. An angel of Jehovah met Hagar and told her: "Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hand." (Gen. 16:2, 6, 8, 9) Perhaps Hagar would have preferred some other guidance. To act according to the angel's direction, she would have to abandon her arrogant attitude. Nevertheless, Hagar humbly did as the angel said, and her son, Ishmael, was born in the security of his father's encampment.

    OT example Hagar

    OT example Sarah

    Can you imagine Sarah making the decision for Hagar to sleep with Abraham? There has to be something wrong with that.

    So Hagar had an arrogant attitude!

    So if jws had an angel's guidance rather than the WTS, would it consist of flipflops?

    Q 15. Describe some situations in which following Jehovah's guidance might demand humility from us today.
    15. Following Jehovah's guidance might mean that we too have to humble ourselves. Some might have to accept the viewpoint that a form of recreation they enjoy is displeasing to Jehovah. A Christian might have offended someone and needs to apologize. Or he might have made a mistake and needs to admit it. What if someone commits a serious sin? He needs to humble himself and confess the sin to the elders. An individual might even be disfellowshipped. To be accepted back into the congregation, he must humbly repent and turn around. In these and similar situations, the words of Proverbs 29:23 are comforting: "The very haughtiness of earthling man will humble him, but he that is humble in spirit will take hold of glory."

    A Christian = only jws, except elders who never apologize.

    If it is wrong for a Catholic to confess to a priest, why is it right for a jw to confess to an elder?

    How do elders determine if someone is repentant? What about pedophiles?

    How Does Jehovah Guide Us?
    Q 16, 17. How can we make the most of the Bible as a source of divine guidance?

    16. The foremost source of divine guidance is the Bible, God's inspired Word. (Read 2 Timothy 3:16,17.) To make the most of that Word, we are wise not to wait for a challenging situation to arise before seeking helpful words in the Scriptures. Rather, we will make Bible reading a daily habit. (Ps. 1:1-3) In that way, the inspired words become familiar. God's thoughts become our thoughts, and we are ready to face even unexpected problems.

    The foremost source = WTS publications

    Do God's thoughts become their thoughts or WTS thoughts?

    17. In addition, it is important to meditate on what we read in the Scriptures and pray in connection with it. When we ponder on Bible verses, we consider how they might apply in specific situations. (1 Tim. 4:15) When we face serious problems, we pray to Jehovah, asking for help to find the guidance we need. Jehovah's spirit will help us to recall helpful Scriptural principles that we have read in the Bible itself or in Bible-based publications. -Read Psalm 25:4, 5.

    Meditate really on what the WTS publications say.

    *** w01 8/1 p. 29 Overcome Obstacles to Your Progress! ***

    Perhaps with the aid of a mature Christian, the student might do some additional research in God’s Word, using the Watch Tower Publications Index.

    Q 18. In what ways does Jehovah use the Christian brotherhood to guide us?
    18. Our Christian brotherhood is another valuable resource in seeking Jehovah's guidance. Central to that brotherhood is "the faithful and discreet slave" with its representative Governing Body, which issues a constant supply of spiritual food in the form of printed material and programs for meetings and assemblies. (Matt. 24:45-47; compare Acts 15:6, 22-31.) In addition, within the Christian brotherhood are mature individuals, especially the elders, who are qualified to give personal help and Scriptural counsel. (lsa. 32:1) Young ones in Christian households have an additional valuable resource. Their believing parents are a God-ordained authority to whom they are always encouraged to look for guidance.-Eph. 6:1-3.

    Christian brotherhood = only the WT organization

    Note how the WTS presents it as fact without proof that the FDS consists of only jws.

    spiritual food = WTS publications, not the Bible.

    elders = qualified to tell you what to do, not make your own decisions "the outline says" "the paragraph says" "we base our beliefs on the....WT"

    notice that only "believing" parents are a God-ordained authority
    Q 19. What blessings do we enjoy because of continually seeking Jehovah's guidance'?
    19. Yes, in a number of ways, Jehovah offers guidance, and we do well to take full advantage of it. Speaking of a time when Israel proved faithful, King David said: "In you our fathers trusted; they trusted, and you kept providing them with escape. To you they cried out, and they got away safe; in you they trusted, and they did not come to shame." (Ps. 22:3-5) If we trustingly follow Jehovah's guidance, we too will "not come to shame." We will not be disappointed in our hope. If we 'roll upon Jehovah our way,' instead of relying on our own wisdom, the results will be rich blessings even now. (Ps. 37:5) And if we loyally persevere in that course, those blessings will be eternal. King David wrote: "Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones. To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded ... The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."-Ps. 37:28, 29.

    [the WTS] offers guidance, we do well to take full advantage of it

    OT example--David, a murderer and adulterer, who did not receive the punishment under the Law, death. I wonder if any other Israelites were given a reprieve for adultery and murder?

    trustingly follow [the WTS] even when the "adjust" and "clarify" their doctrines many times over

    generation of 1914
    generation of non-jws from 1914 to present
    generation of anointed jws living on earth (a return to a previous teaching)

    Can You Explain? Why do we trust Jehovah's guidance?
    What is implied if we reject Jehovah's guidance?
    What are some situations in which a Christian needs humility?
    How does Jehovah guide us today?


    I remember several jws that resisted the pressure from the elders and the CO when they could see that the Bible reasoned differently. But jws are told that they must obey even when the WTS is wrong waiting for God to correct things. It's a good thing that many Israelites didn't listen to their religious leaders, and followed Jesus anyway and didn't wait for God to correct things.

    Next week, the topic will be young jws, who are leaving the WTS in droves. Getting them baptized young is not guarantee, but just means that they will be df'd rather than MIA.

    Love, Blondie

  • boyzone

    Thanks Blondie excellent insightful comments yet again. Love the way you "translate" the WTspeak in what they're really saying, eg Jehovahs guidance = WT guidance.

    well done!

  • Jringe01

    Blondie always does such a good job with these.

    guidance from God = doing it the WTS way

    So then did God guide the Mexican brothers to bribe their way out of military service while directing hundreds in Malawi to a course of action that lead to the death and abuse of so many. I wonder why God choose the ones in Malawi for that as opposed to Mexico...would the Mexicans have simply bribed their way out of such trouble thus failing to make a name for God thru the suffering of his people? How many JW's have suffered and died so their corporation can then sign up for UN membership? Not to mention the changes to blood et al

    Interesting guidance n'est pas? Seems like the guide has trouble making up his mind. he used to be much more direct and forceful and not prone to such dithering. Maybe it's old age?

  • Jringe01
    especially the elders, who are qualified to give personal help and Scriptural counsel. (lsa. 32:1)

    Oh PULEASE...qualified my a**! Yes I'm sure so many people can attest to the wonderful help given by the elders. According to the official line prayerful consideration is supposed to be given before elders are appointed. If as they say Holy Spirit is supposed to help guide them in their choices then what does it say about said direction when elders go bad? If God really does know and see all both past and future then why would he allow such people attain responsibility for the "sheep"?

    Now there's a question I'd love to raise at a WT study!

  • Santisimo

    After all these years, the WTS is still able to recycle the same subject over and over again. Their topics are so lacking in intellectual challenges.

  • studier

    Thank You for you ever enlightening break down of this 'spiritual food'.

    It still amazes me how the average reader would miss the true definitions of some of their phrases. Until next week...


  • Blueblades

    Employment: They cost me a successful career and made me live pay check to pay check for over 30 years.

    Temporary suffering: They are still saying that it's only temporary! Temporary, another word indicating that it will all be over soon.

    How many of us have suffered in one way or another for many , many years, a whole lifetime if your elderly.

    Thanks again Blondie!


  • WTWizard
    "When thinking of valueless things, it is easy to deceive ourselves."

    Which is a blatant lie. Truly valueless things are very easy for the fully honest person to realize, and we will not be deceiving ourselves. Truly valueless things include scams, religions that add burdens to us, people that just keep adding regulations that make things more difficult, and other things that are blatantly wrong. After realizing that morality comes down to such a simple principle that I need little further guidance to make my own decisions, I also realize that valueless things are little more than occupations that waste time for no good purpose, or even harm people.

    And the Washtowel Slaveholdery is the Number One valueless thing I had to repudiate.

  • llbh
    According to one reference work, Timothy’s family probably “belonged to the educated and upper income bracket.” His father may well have expected him to seek higher education and to continue a family business. Imagine how Timothy’s father may have reacted on discovering that Timothy preferred the dangers and financial uncertainties of missionary work with Paul!

    What was the reference work ? Note only one. The attitude toward education is awful and particularly pernicious to young women, who can be left high and dry when thier marriage ends, or if it surivives, dependent on thier mate.

    Thank you Blondie for your comment

    Regards David

  • ataloa
    notice that only "believing" parents are a God-ordained authority.

    I never knew this was their official stance on that. I certainly never got that from the Bible.

    I knew of a teenager who had a widowed "worldly" mother. The elders let him get baptized over her protests. I just knew that was so wrong. IMO he should have been counseled to wait until he was of age, knowing God would certainly see what was in his heart.

    Thanks, Blondie. Great job.

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