Lovers of Hate

by Farkel 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sirona

    We can hate things like abuse and injustice. Here the Watchtower is advocating hatred of people. It puts itself and its followers into the position of God - with the ability to judge who is to be hated. This is where the Watchtower goes wrong. According to the bible, God can hate because he sees all and knows all.


    p.s. I don't agree with the bible's view.

  • RollerDave

    Excellent points, Farkel.

    It can be hard to hate the deeds, but not the person, but it's the right thing to do.

    When I see someone acting in such a way that I would be inclined to hate them, I just remind myself that Jesus died as much for them as for me, and I know I haven't always been exemplary.

    Hell, in a lot of ways I'm anything but!

    Reminding myself of this helps not to hate, and helps us stat humble.

    From your references, it is plain to see that the leadership of the Borg allow themselves the dubious privilege of hating and inciting hate, very bad juju, that.

    Thank you for your post, very thought provoking.


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