From what I hear locks on gas caps do nothing. The theft they deter would involve siphoning. Too much work, now they just drill a hole with a cordless drill and let it drain. Motorhomes are being hit quite a bit with their large tanks. Reminds me of the locks everyone put on their custom wheels to protect them. Jacking up a car and removing the wheels became too much work, it is easier to steal the whole car.
Is Copper theft on the rise in your area ??
by Casper 47 Replies latest jw friends
Good Lord, Startingover,
What do we do to prevent that...????????????????
Cas -
Store up teasures in heaven, not on earth where moth and rust consume and theives break in and steal.
Bless you my son, the time is nigh.
Father Gregor
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...
yes -loads stolen from our company
Happening here in the UK as well.
Increase in manhole covers and road signs being stolen.
Also read recently of domestic oil tanks being syphoned
Happens here too. The telephone cables get ripped out over and over again. It's shocking because it causes so much headache down the line for businesses. Telkom (the only landline telephone company in S.A) refuses to replace cables in certain areas.
I work with REO homes...houses in foreclosure..or have been forclosed upon.
Yep...copper gets stolen so quick..the banks don't even try to get it fixed before they re-sale the home.