do not be fooled by the leaven of harry potter
by nytelecom1 30 Replies latest jw friends
Beloved ones... may you have peace!
And may I say, at the risk of being accused of 'condoning'... the 'things of the Devil'... that TRUE Christians are under a NEW Covenant, one sanctioned by the 'law'... of LOVE... and PERFECT love, dear ones... casts FEAR... "outside".
If God is FOR us... who can be 'against' us? Demons are not beings to fear... for they have no power, other than what we GIVE them over us. It is our own hearts that we must guard... and the 'fear' that exists there that can gain enslave us. Thus, as "Paul" said... "all things... are lawful". Keep in mind that they are just not all 'advantageous'... and it is up to the SPIRIT that 'teaches' us... and not others... as to what is advantegeous and what is not.
Beloved ones, do not continue yoking one another... and burdening one another... binding one another... and bringing fear upon one another. Rather, RELEASE one another... and you will be 'released'. Bind... and you will be bound. Burden... and you will be burdened. Judge... and you will be judged. Condemn... and you will be condemn.
ALL things are 'clean'... to him whose heart... is 'clean'. If your conscience does not condemn you then, who are we to condemn you? For anything not done in 'faith' is a 'sin' anyway. Thus, if you have the FREEDOM to watch a 'fantasiacal' event... then no one can 'bind' you. For those who wish to do so, may I say that 'straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel' is not the true 'way'. Observing the tenth of the mint... while disregarding the WEIGHTIER matters, such as JUSTICE and MERCY, etc., will by no means lead you to life.
LIFE... dear ones, can only be had by means of One... by exercising FAITH in that One... by listening to HIS voice and obeying... rather than putting one's trust in 'earthling man'... and allowing man to lead you. Blind guides can only lead the blind... into the pit.
However, if you want LIFE... then there is One who offers it, dispenses it... to all those 'wishing', 'thirsting' and 'hearing'. And he placed no burdens or restrictions steeped in fear upon those listening to his voice. Thus, IF you are wishing, thirsting and hearing, I say to you:
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... if you so WISH it... to grant you LIFE... to time indefinite.
Revelation 22:17
A servant to the Household of God, Israel, to all those that 'go with' them, as well as to ALL of mankind... and a slave of Christ,
This is just another salvo on christianity. Get 'em while their young, see. The next generation will be a lot less christian than this one. The us and canada is going the same direction as britain and europe- neochristian. It's just taking longer, because our culture is a lot younger than europe's.
You christians don't even know who your worst enemy is. Who runs hollywood? Who runs most of the media? That's why fundy christians, maybe not you nytel, are stupid. And so, christianiy is eventually going down.
Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. Any way it is used symbolizes evil. It matters not if two points are up or one. It matters not if it has a circle around it. It still is a symbol of Satan.
Looks like just about everything is a symbol of Satan.
LOL! I cannot believe some of these people!
OK I consider myself to be pagan. When I went watching Harry Potter, I actually looked for things that agree with my religion. I wondered how much the author knew about these things.
I saw no pentagrams (or pentacles), no actual description of HOW this "magic" was done (they said words and flicked a wand, which believe me is not how anyone attempts to do Magick), no references to deities, no references to nature, no idols, no sacred circles...etc.etc. This is simply a FANTASY story. Ok so they had broomsticks that fly ( you think real witches do that? LOL), and wands.
Do these people condemn "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? That has magick potions which made snow while sleep, dwarves, magick mirrors which talk to you, etc.
Tell you what, lets condemn anything that has a hint of "magick" about it and ruin every childs imagination and life! Aladdin was a disney film wasnt it? Beauty and the Beast... the list goes on about stories with magick in them. Nobody screams in horror as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz closes her eyes and clicks her heels saying "theres no place like home" do they?
What baloney!
Hey there Sirona. I agree with you. And I like your pic of Alanis, she is a goddess
She most definately IS a goddess!
Things that witnesses I knew thought were evil when they were popular
Star Wars -- Christ symbolism in Luke, Satanic symbolism Darth Vader
ET -- Christ symbolism, magic
Lucky Charms -- good luck charms
Superman -- supernatural powers
Saturday Night Fever -- Disco music, mention of oral sex
Jif Peanut butter -- thought to contain blood
Dutch chocolate milk -- thought to contain blood
Chinese food -- thought to contain strangled animals
Mary Poppins - she was a white witchthe list never ends.
Of course, the things these witnesses wanted to see or take part in were never questioned, only the things they had no personal interest in.
Hey ya'll...anybody want to ask the Author what SHE deliberately did or did not put into Harry Potter as symbols????
As a writer of fantasy, I will say this: all humans have a collective unconsciousness which...duh...touches on the same symbols no matter the religious affliations of authors, readers, parents, or whomever....
Any author who can get childrenn to READ today deserved a STAR...and NO not a pentagram or a Star of David or anything...just a good mark for pulling children into a page of text and getting them away from the BOOB TUBE for a moment.