about a decade before my dad died he got really sick and had a hard time breathing. Ties made it worse. Guess what happened? He was no longer allowed to give talks (service meeting, he was not an elder so no pub. talks) :( how sad is that!?!!!!!!!!
JW's unwritten dress code and personal appearance standards-FROM WHERE?
by Thechickennest 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Homerovah the Almighty
I wondered at times if the dress code was instilled so that the rich elders in the hall could show off their expensive suits
I remember an elder giving a talk on the ills of materialistic desires, after the meeting he walked out of the hall wearing an expensive silk suit
and jumped in his Cadillac and drove off..........true story
White Dove
I would have to say that the dress code is one of the worst things about this religion for me. It is so hateful! -
I remember an elder giving a talk on the ills of materialistic desires, after the meeting he walked out of the hall wearing an expensive silk suit
and jumped in his Cadillac and drove off..........true story
Bunch of rich pricks down in Steveston and full of themselves.....Lucky it's all Chinese down there now...Bet the congregations are going downhill...
Talbots catalog!
Hi Sasha:
What is Talbots? Thank you.
my hall was pretty strict.. no denim of any kind.. no thong type sandals, no stillettos or boots ( anything that was black was hooker boots) i wonder if anyone had ever actually seen hooker boots before???
Hi all,
I'm new here - been reading for a while, now have joined. Was glad to read this thread :) they had a talk in my hall (I'm still in at this stage, still trying to work out the 'best' way to leave) a month or so ago about dress and grooming - they actually came right out and said that it is not acceptable to see sister's knees, or cleavage... haha the one giving the talk looked at me as he mentioned cleavage, I was so tempted to start bawling my eyes out and making a loud scene about how my boobs are so small I don't even have cleavage and it really upsets me, how could they be so insensitive... lol. but no I kept my little mouth shut, and continue to wear my suit skirt that is just on my knees, so when i sit down it rises way above my knees.. bahahaha. and I'll show the skin on my general chest area too if I want to.
I think it relates to the uh, sheet with pictures thing that lets us know "what not to wear" to Bethel (what fun times Trinny and Susannah would have with that!) ... no knees, no chest. Basically making us look all un-feminine except for the stilettos...*puke*
Why the ban on beards? Because C.T. Russell wore a beard. His followers emulated him and wore beards too. When Rutherford took over he wanted all loyalty to himself. The "Russellites" needed to become "Rutherfordites". Hence the ban on chin hair.