In case anyone wanted it.
Here it is on MP3.
Right-Click the link at the bottom of that page with the red arrow next to it, and "save target as..."
Sunday's Drama - MP3
by metaspy 15 Replies latest jw friends
I will download it. Thanks. I need something to put me to sleep.
Are we going to be 'fictionalizing' now every DC drama?...Guess so!
UMmm....A 19 years old girl single during John's day?....At that time in history, please she would have been married off years ago.
So the WTS wants us to return the love...(it is only love when you are loved in return)
I guess there are enough 'elite' contributions & investments coming in to beat the lower base into door to door knocking slaves keeping the turnover rolling. Nice scripture tossing with the two masters ....yet never applied to the WTS leadership. I appreciate how they guilt the average R&F about FS, yet when was the last time anyone in the uppercrusts knocked on doors enough to qualify for ......minimum publisher yet alone pioneer.Now lets make the argument against those who speak out against the WTS. The WTS is 'taking the lead'. But who qualifies to take the lead if none of the anoited have any greater wisdom then the great crowd and no one within the WTS is 'inspired'? If no one has been "inspired" Rutherford couldn't of heard "angels".....oh no it must have been DEMONS.....((( or the liquor ))) Telling the audience that the character is teaching his own ideas.....well we certainly couldn't claim that the BIG A happening in 1914, 1918, 1925 & 1975 was the teachings of Russell, Rutherford & Franz...oh no those were definitely Jehovah's teachings !!!! ....Jehovah hates college and thinking too which is why Jesus just fixed the Pharisees instead of condemning them as vipers. Organizations that are controlling beyond the spirit of the law reign supreme with Jesus and Jah!
Putting Kingdom Interest firsts...(yea like combining nationwide funds...interest), making Jah's name known by encouraging suicide by refusal of medical blood to avoid lawsuits really does 'glorify' Jah's name, and making salespersons to the WTS versus Christians for Christ...that guy who the WTS
mediatesreplaced in the lives of JWs.Simplicity protects us from the 'world'......if this is true, will the WTS be announcing it is selling everything and giving to the poor?....oh no the mighty WTS is to important to do such a thing. (((((Phariseees))))
Then on to this evil man supplying silver and touching unclean things by his associations with the pagans......oh no one could not drawl any similar conclusions with our off again on again affair with the UN as found in Dust's thread
Do as the WTS says not as it does.
Yes Dear Brother pride can lead to downfall, the FDS's GB pride and arrogance is leading to the numbers falling, brothers are not reaching-out, seat warmers who fudge or flake on FS,......oh sure tell yourself it is a sign. ( a sign the Old-Timers last stand, reinvention is already happening in preparation of Dear Teddie's death or sooner if the $$$$ runs too low, legal is really in charge anyways GB are just figureheads who are currenlty allowed to speak)
Oh yes lets serve Jehovah first, starting with the WTS actually serving Jehovah verses it's 'RICHES'
The Watchtower doesn't serve Jehovah, they just claim to.
I can't beleive I listened to the whole thing. I guess it is just another boring birthday.
Jk, it's your birthday? And you didn't tell me? Why I oughta smack you fifty somethin' times.
Thanks Meta! Appreciate it ^^
Thanks meta. I was hoping for video, but this is good. There's no chance my family will be wasting our time there this year, but I'm interrested in what crap my parents are hearing.
For those who don't want to waste 47.2MB of your hard disk with this nonsense - I've compacted it to 13.6MB here --
I wish I could have video'd the drama, Maybe next year I will...