Any other exhausted moms out there?

by milligal 22 Replies latest social family

  • milligal

    I have three kids, the youngest are 3 and five months. I was wondering if there are any other moms out there who don't get much sleep or time alone. What do you do for yourself? How do you stay happy? : )

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Me and Wife have no kids but she NOW wants it's not all fun and games and saying "gooo gooo baba!" well forget that for a joke! I'm out, no deal.

  • jamiebowers

    Make a deal with another trustworthy mom and share babysitting services with each other for time alone.

  • lilyflor

    i also have 3 kids they are ages 7, 6, and 4. don't get much sleep here. then i thought it would be fun to get a dog for the kids. poor puppy, he's a good dog, but he wakes up every morning at 5 or 6 am. so now that the kids sleep mostly thru the night - i got to get the dog trained to do the same.

    i have 2 girls - drama queens and 1 boy - jokester

    between hockey, skating and swimming the weekends are booked up - which i don't mind, don't like to be home on the weekends, just glad I don't have to go the the 3 JW meetings a week anymore

    of course my mom can't understand how I can have some much time to spend with the kids and thier sports but not for meetings (hehehhe)


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    You need to arrange a babysitter and go and do something fun on your own, with your other half or with some girlfriends.

    Sometimes I get hubby to look after the kids while I go shopping or just escape to another room in the house with a glass of wine and a book!! I've recently made friends with my neighbours and we're planning a meetup for happy hour at a local restaurant. Restaurants are not much fun with the little ones.

    I have two boys, aged 3 and 16months and they are utterly exhausting - they wake anytime from 5am and are non-stop on the go until 7pm - if I don't have time on my own I get very crabby and emotional - it's really important you make time for yourself.

    They won't be young forever, we will get more sleep one day!! Enjoy your precious babies but go and have some time to yourself.

  • mentalclearness

    I have three kids..The littlest is three. I really have my oldest children well trained and they are pretty independent and I enjoy their company most of the time. But the littlest absolutely drives me nuts and I wonder if i´ll ever enjoy raising her. I´m tired. I work full time and then come to whining crying stuck to me three year old. I share custody so on every other weekend I escape my house and go to a friends...But I wonder if it´s good or bad because then I really resent having my littlest and not being able to do things. Anyways, thanks for letting me vent. Find a good babysitter and try to talk to other moms in the same boat. It always helps to have someone who listens and understands how hard it is.

  • mrsjones5

    I lock my bedroom door, seriously I have too. I work at nights 4 days a week and if I don't lock my door my youngest will come in when I'm trying to get some sleep and torture me. I can do this now cuz my oldest is 14 and can take of the younger ones when I'm sleep. My advice is find a friend or babysitter who can watch you kids for short time slots. When I was in college I used to babysit for a lady who would have me come and take care of her toddler daughter so she could take a nap. lol


  • momzcrazy

    Me. I have 3 kids, ages 13, 10 and 3. I get no sleep and barely any time alone. I wake up early in the morning before everyone else and enjoy my coffee with the sunrise.

    I am home alone right now. But I am in trouble because of it. I was told I was going to go too, and I said no, I'm not.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, but I am an exhausted single grandmother.

  • mrsjones5
    But I am in trouble because of it. I was told I was going to go too, and I said no, I'm not.

    Monz, My dear hubby used to try and make me feel guilty or bad about something I knew I didn't do or cuz I was refusing to do something he wanted me to do. I would tell him that I would not feel guilty about it and I meant it. He's learned over the years that I mean it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're an adult just like him, with the right to not do something you don't to and as long as it's not going to hurt anyone have at it. Don't feel guilty and don't let him make you feel like you're doing something wrong cuz you're not.


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