Letter to My Mother--FINAL!--After 2yrs3mos--Incomprehensibly Long...

by Confession 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nomoreguilt

    Since my joining JWD in Nov, I have found many threads to be of great interest to me and such have I printed out for future use. However, I ave found this one to be the MOST SUCCINCT of all. I am printing this out as I type as I am sure that in some future time it will come to be very handy and my SALVATION with the rest of my family.

    I sincerely thank you,


  • bythesea

    EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well worth the time it took to read. Much thought provoking stuff for your mom to consider, and very lovingly presented.....a lot of thought obviously went into this and I'm very grateful for your posting it for us to read also. This is a keeper & I would like to use some of it, perhaps, when I'm ready to confront my own family....is that ok, Jon?

    I really hope you get a good response from your mom....please keep us posted!


  • besty

    great letter Confession - with your permission I would like to use it with my hardline JW Mum and brother.

  • whoknows

    This is a keeper. It is powerful and yet kind. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  • Confession

    Thank you for your comments, friends. Truth is, I've been trying to post this all week, but had trouble formatting it properly. Finally got it very late last night.

    Just as I borrowed a few thoughts from the authors mentioned at the outset of the post, any of you may certainly borrow from this--or use it in its entirety. I'm glad you found it enjoyable or helpful, and my best in your attempts to reach your friends and family.


  • yesidid

    Hi Jon,

    As I said before it is an exceptional letter.

    I note it is dated May 29. Does that mean it has already been sent?

    If so, could you tell us if there has been any reaction.


  • bennyk

    Great letter! When you discuss the matter of idolizing the Organisation, you might find these useful to include:

    “As Christians, we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry-be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization. (WT 01.Nov. 1990, p.26)
    “But if we were to draw away from Jehovah’s organization, there would be no place else to go for salvation and true joy. (Compare John 6:66-69.)” (WT 15. Sept. 1993, p.22)
  • DNCall

    Your mother has to be moved by your letter. I wish you the best in seeing some good for your labor of love.


  • changeling

    Hi Darlin! I always enjoy your posts, but yes, this one is indeed incomprensibly long and I just don't have the stamina to read it.

    I know you poured your heart into this and I hope it has the desired effect on your mom.

    changeling :)

  • dawg

    Great letter, you showed love and yet still told the truth. Good to see that you have the courage to speak out. There's so much more you could have said, but the letter is quite long, I decided the best way was to send a series of letters. Don't get disappointed by the nay sayers, most are just miffed they haven't the guts to tell the truth.

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