.....dropping of the face of the JW world is what i'm talking about.
Hello all, thought i'd fill anyone interested in on what's been going on with me............
Well life has been great. My relationship with my parents is great even though it's been a year since i've severed all JW activities. They haven't really put pressure on me lately to attend meetings, but they both are basically inactive themselves. Mom hasn't been to a meeting in 3-4 months, and dad only goes maybe once every week if even that much and never goes in field service.
I seem to be getting shunned by the local JWs now, well, by some of them at least. There have been several that i've seen out in public that looked me dead-on in the face and kept walking like they didn't see me. An elder even did this to me a couple of times actually. A few Dubs try to come by and visit every now and then though. I actually let one in last week but they didn't really talk about me getting back to meetings, which was quite surprising. None of the elders have tried to visit me lately, and they know where I live.....that's surprising as well.
I've begun to share a bit with my sister(never a baptized JW but believes in it somewhat....I think) about some of my thoughts about the org. I've touched on the hypocrisy within it as well as the false love that is shown. I've come very close to working up the courage to tell my parents how I really feel, but i've decided to opt out on that until I feel it's absolutely necessary to tell them. I really don't think they'd shun me if I did tell them, but I see no need to stir the pot just yet when things are quite peaceful.
Like I said fromt he onset, things have been great. I've been actually getting closer with my family, making new non-jw friends, looking forward to starting school next month, and just being glad that I made the break from the religion at my age.
Thanks for reading, you guys are an awesome bunch.