Do You Agree That Jehovah's Witnesses Are Perverted?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That's right! They are one perverted group!

    They pervert Christianity and everything it stands for.

    They pervert whatever is considered "truth" by making up new definitions of whatever word they want. For example, a "lie" is not necessarily a lie to a JW. They simply tell their followers that if someone is not entitled to know something and you tell them something other than the truth, it isn't a lie! Huh???

    They claim to "love" more than any other group yet they preach HATE in reality. How?? By saying that if you're a Witness who has "left the Truth" then you should be treated as "dead"! And even if it is an elderly parent or relative, it means nothing. You are told in the Watchtower that it is even acceptable to HATE not just the sin----but also the SINNER!!

    They deride the old Pharisees for making others comply with their lists of rules yet JWs have more rules than the Bible allows for! They are hypocrites and perverts!!!

  • hillbilly

    I agree that this is an incendiary Topic headline.

    Do they twist the gospel to meet their agenda?

    Do they twist Christs teachings?

    yea... but we all know that already


  • momzcrazy

    I wonder about the elders in JC meetings about sexual matters. Does it matter who was on top? Does it matter if you came to orgasm? Does it matter how many times you did it and where?

    I think they live vicariously thru the info provided.


  • mrsjones5

    I think they live vicariously thru the info provided.

    Why get a porno when you have others to supply the porno in your brain?

  • hillbilly

    I wonder about the elders in JC meetings about sexual matters. Does it matter who was on top? Does it matter if you came to orgasm? Does it matter how many times you did it and where?

    In the pseudo court of a Judicial Commitee all those things speak to 'motive'. That I could never figure out myself. After all if you got raped without screaming it made the same difference to a JC.


  • Satanus

    I agree. In the sex arena, as well, they pervert it by suppressing it, leaving not NATURAL outlets, until marriage. Anything not NATURAL, or according to ones NATURE is perverted. In marriage, w their rules about sexual expression and preset roles for married people, they pervert those also. NATURE is not to be trusted, in that org.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I think that the word ‘perverted’ is a bit strong, but I see where you are coming from. You are right technically…..??

    Although, the paedophiles could correctly be termed ‘perverted’.

  • Blueblades

    Hi Mini! I would agree that the leaders, Governing Body, Legal, Writing Committee, J.R.Brown etc are perverted. Because they deliberately pervert, misdirect, lead astray, change, misapply the meaning of what is right, good and true. Secondly, they are perverted because it is known that even higher ups have been found guilty of acts of sexual perversion,and child abuse.

    However, I would not collectively called Jehovah's Witnesses of the rank and file perverted. Because many of them are not. They are captives of a concept, trapped in an illusion as we once were.

    I know what you mean in your topic title. I would rephrase: Do You Agree That The Governing Body etc; Are Perverted?

    However, far be it for me to correct you, the master of the question. Me thinks we understand what you are asking, and I agree.


  • yknot

    Pharisees reaching out to become New World Sadducees..........

  • blondie

    per·vert·ed (pr-vûrtd) adj. 1. Deviating from what is considered right and correct: a perverted idea of justice. 2. Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion. 3. Marked by misinterpretation or distortion: a perverted translation of an epic poem.

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