When I was first baptized in 1985, the gal whom I was living with and who was the POs wife and I decided we needed an interpreter because we had two sisters who were deaf and they were galantly trying to lipread, but in those days guys with mustaches could hardly be read at all...so this gal and I TAUGHT ourselves very rudimentary Sign English because we didnt know from ASL. We did that a couple years at conventions and meetings, I have myself on tape at Janesville taking turns doing it. We sucked but I learned a lot. Then a few years later they decided that only ASL could be used, and they wanted us to go to training wtih this signing guru from Bethel...I think his name began with a Z. Dark haired man...anyway. We had classes and had to try out to continue to sign which I thought was not fair...but they wanted to make sure we werent using any WORLDLY signs for things like spirit, bible, God...you know...even there they HAD to make sure we were following the Borg.
Then it got to the point where only brothers could sign certain talks...and you could count your time if you were signing the PUBLIC talk..stuff like that. Then they went and formed their own congregations and it has evolved a lot since then. That sister who started out with me actually does it for a living now as well as signing at their congregation. They are or were...in charge of the deaf congregation in Oak Park, Ill. Her husband absolutely WASNT going to learn sign and he was forced to do it LOL! But now he is very good at it.
When we would go out in service for the deaf, I sucked so bad that I usually drove the car around the five county area of Chicago tracking down the deaf. They all seemed to know each other and had TDD directories and such but it would take alllll day to do. My field service numbers were amazing LOL!
Perhaps so many people are leaving that they dont have interpreters any more?? (waving jazz hands clapping wildly!! )))