Well, for sure, this exaulted assinine elder gave you biased, bigoted, and unscriptural advice.
Why did you not challenge him with scripture? Have you not read for yourself Matthew 25:36-40, and Matthew 5:42?
Why do any of you take their word without using scripture to put them in their place?
Do you not read the Bible for yourselves?
Do you believe these ignorant exaulted potentates are god's mouthpiece?
Then why do you cower before them?
Why is it that none of you will stand up to these people with scripture to refute them?
It is written that these evildoers are to be slain with the sword.
The "sword" are the WORDS given to you in scripture.
Take your instructions straight from Jesus instead of these buffoons!
Jesus said we are to REBUKE people who speak evil and especially those who blaspheme the Creator. What audicity these elder demons have! Why do any of you let them get away with this unscriptural misadvice to people? They are serving satan and not the Creator.
Be bold and stand up to them.
God gave you a brain and a mouth. Jesus gave you the words to put in them. It's all laid out for you. Why are you keeping silent?
Get some gumption about you and take action.
Matthew 5:
42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.