Did anyone see that show where they have traced the DNA of the whole world back to EVE???????
We are all decended from Eve
by Sasha 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No, I didn't see any show, but here is a link that explains Mitochondrial Eve.
Dave -
Eve the monkey the we all evolved from? Cool!
What dumb-ass scientist went and put the "Eve" name on the most recent common female ancestor? Didn't he think for 2 seconds that this was going to confuse everyone about bible Eve?
This "Eve" goes back quite a bit more than 6 thousand years.
If we are to interpret the Bible with the Bible and know that true christians are brothers and sisters ,then , it is possible that we can be descended from some other women as well. All these first women scatterred all over the face of the earth would be one collective woman.
We are shown in the Bible the genealogy of Israel and it was sufficient that Eve the Bible is speaking about was the first of all women that lived at the approximate same time.If so there is no way to disprove the Bible scientifically as both possiblities as to our origins can be taken into account.
So ,say, after long evolution a man and a woman evolved from animals. The final creative act was the full blown modern man and woman.
The story in Genesis 1 is a description of the vision Moses saw what God Yahweh shown him and it could be shown in the form of fable as the fables are being told to children but that was" a true fable " meaning it contained the hiden truths.
For instance, God Yahweh never rests as He continuously is creating the universe ! So His rest was symbolical as shown in the vision to Moses on the Mount Sinai.So the creation of Adam and Eve could be symbolical as well .
The evolution ideally is in agreement with the Bible provided we understand God Yahweh is working behind it !
No. But Mitochondrial Eve and Chromosomal Adam really mess up the Biblical nonsense arguments postulated by literalists of the Bible. Mitochondrial Eve traces our mitochondrial lineage back to our common female ancestor approx. 140,000 years ago (way more than 6,000 years ago when Biblical Eve was supposed to have lived) whereas Chromosomal Adam (also known as Y-Chromosomal Adam) traces back our Y chromosomal lineage back to our common male ancestor approx. 60,000 years ago (way more than the 4,200 years ago that Bible nuts think Noah lived).
I read a couple of books about mitochondrial Eve. They were really interesting although I have to admit I didn't understand it all. But it was fascinating and I'm glad they've figured that out.
wha happened?
My wife is a daughter of Eve. A gorgeous woman of color
Thank God for the EVE's on this Earth ( . )( . )
Did anyone see that show where they have traced the DNA of the whole world back to EVE???????
No, they haven't! At least not in any sense that gives support to the Genesis account. However, scientists did give the moniker "Eve" to a particular person whose existence is logically inevitable, namely, the most recent common ancestor of all living humans in a purely matrilineal line. Imagine everyone on earth goes to visit their mother, and then their mother's mother and so on. So you arrive at your mother's house along with your siblings, and then go to your maternal grandmother's house where you meet up with your first cousins and aunts and uncles, then on to your great-grandmother's house where things are starting to get crowded, as your great-aunts and first cousins once removed and second cousins and whatever descendants they have are also there. (Obviously normal rules of time and space and life and death don't quite apply in this thought experiment). So you move on, this happy throng, all descendants in a purely matrilineal line from this woman, your great-grandmother. As you go, you see other pilgrims visiting their respective matriarchs, all gathering in numbers and joining together as they go further backwards in time. You are initially surprised to notice that many women have no visitors at their homes but that is because either they never had children (or their line has completely died out) or they only had sons (or at least have nobody alive who is a daughter of a daughter.... of their daughter). You cross continents and travel back millennia, all mothers and daughters, joining up with ever more distant relatives. As the groups get larger and larger, you notice that fewer and fewer of the local women are receiving visitors. Some of them must be ancestors of people now living but just didn't have an unbroken chain of daughters. Eventually you will come to a time and a place where all the pilgrims are visiting one woman who will undoubtedly be surprised at the billions of people who've turned up unexpectedly. That woman, although she doesn't stand out from any of her contemporaries, is the person who scientists have called Mitochondrial Eve. Such a person must have existed (unless you posit that humans are not all related, which nobody seriously does). But our thought experiment doesn't tell us much about her other than that she had at least two daughters and it would obviously be impossible to do what I have described. Luckily though, there is a way we can find out more about her. Through an interesting quirk of biology, we get a section of our DNA (our mitochondria) only from our mothers. Unlike most DNA, this doesn't combine with the DNA of our fathers, so it never gets jumbled up. That means that your mitochondrial DNA should be exactly the same as that of your mother and grandmother and so on. If this were indeed the case though, everybody on earth would have the same mitochondrial DNA and it wouldn't tell us very much. However, we have luck on our side once again. Mitochondrial DNA like all other DNA sometimes replicates with less than 100% fidelity. As it is essentially junk DNA, these flaws or mutations happen randomly. So if we can work out how often these changes happen and get a large enough sample size, we can determine approximately where and when Mitochondrial Eve must have lived. After a considerable amount of cheek swabs and processing power, it turns out that this "Eve" lived sometime around 200,000 years ago, and almost certainly in Africa. So definitely not the biblical character Eve, then! Further, it's obvious both from our thought experiment and from other evidence, that she was not the only woman alive at the time, nor was she even the only ancestor of all humans alive at the time. It is only with hindsight that she gains the title of Mitochondrial Eve. It can be very difficult, especially for those brought up with conventional creation myths, to realise that there were never just two humans, but that we slowly and gradually evolved as a species, but it turns out that the true account of our ancestry can be endlessly fascinating and informative, far more awe-inspiring than primitive origin myths and with the sublime advantage of actually being true.