New NGO-Letter by German Branch

by GermanXJW 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pathofthorns

    Interesting twist on the standard reply. Adding a guilt trip and a lecture was a nice touch.


  • GermanXJW

    Saying "new" I meant "added to the standard reply". Please note that the brother who has written to the branch has not been given any tasks in the TMS from that time on. The elders did not mention his letter but just said that the brother responsible for TMS does not put much trust in him at the moment.

    Posting the documents again has made this thread very slow. But thankyou for your work to get this detailed documentation.

  • cyberguy

    And his local elders informed him without any reference to the letter that he is not to do talks in the TMS at the moment.

    Looks like a judicial committee is only moments away! Translation: If you question us, you're rebellious, and we're going to get you!

    But warnings are not without reason, because through the Internet you can easily get in touch with the thoughts of apostates which the Bible clearly warns against (2 John 8-11).

    Now don't let those apostates get you! Translation: anything critical of the BORG is treated as apostasy! We're "higher" than you! Don't question us!

    We can add that at the time of the registration there was not even the need to sign the registration-form which shows how low the significance of the registration was perceived.

    I suppose their copy was never signed that was on file, but I just have to believe that the UN required some kind of signed form! This just doesn't have the ring of truth here!

  • avengers

    I have been a witness for 30 years. I have always done research about many different matters. The WT says they had been using the library of the UN many years prior to 1991. I never knew about it. They registered as an NGO in 1991; I never knew about it. "There was nothing secret about it" How come I didn't know about it? The WT in all their years have always taught me to have nothing whatsoever to do with the "Scarlet-colored wild beast". Yet they themself use their library? And then they say that was the only reason they became involved with the UN? You don't have to register as an NGO to access the library, so there must be other reasons. Where is the trust in Jehovah. Obviously they are as the old Israelite Kings who trust on worldly powers instead of Jehovah. If they were judged by Jehovah then how much more will the WT be judged? The problem is how can we reach the innocent brothers and sisters, whom are being indoctrinated with words like "stick close to his organization" , "Do You Have än Obedient Heart?"". "Discuss in which way we can demonstrate obedience in working with the congregation." Or "Do you lack confidence in your ability to witness from house to house"?
    Lack confidence in my ability? Who do these guys think they are? They join forces with the UN, create a scandal, and when brothers and sisters find it hard to go from house to house, it's their own fault. These WT leaders are really starting to get people angry.


  • cyberguy

    But we are hurt, when some of our brothers uncritically accept those presentations, getting set against Jehovah's organization or even letting themselves become a mouthpiece. Surely, no one of us wants to belong to those mentioned in Matthew 24:49 and 3 John 10. Of course, Satan would be happy if he urged us that far.

    zev, hawkaw -- Are they talking about you? :-P

  • Farkel

    : This circular letter replaces any replies we have given earlier and is sent to all branches.

    Translation: "This new set of lies forthwith replaces any earlier set of lies we've issued."

    What a bunch of assholes.

    Thanks for taking your time to translate, GermanJW.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • GermanXJW

    That they say in an official letter that some brothers are going against the Society even as mouthpieces because of the information shows that they are really having a problem.

  • GermanXJW

    Farkel, please notice that the quoted sentence is not in the German letter as I wrote above. I did a cut and paste-error while putting the English original into my translation from German to English.

  • outnfree

    Thanks for posting this, GermanJW!

    In the reports, obviously a fact has been (maybe intentionally) misunderstood and used to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses. We can assure you that Jehovah's Witnesses and the legal corporations used by them have never been a part of the United Nations.
    The fact is that Jehovah's Witnesses are (maybe intentionally) misleading any questioning rank and file members so as to cover over their sin.

    And let us not forget that fornicating with the scarlet-colored wild beast IS a sin.

    The numerous posts made by hawkaw, zev, MadA, trevor scott, MacHislopp, etc., etc., can positively assure the German Branch office that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., a "legal corporation" used by Jehovah's Witnesses, was indeed "a part of the United Nations."

    Selters needs to check its facts.


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • AlanF

    Avengers said:

    : "There was nothing secret about it" How come I didn't know about it?

    Same reason most Bethelites didn't know about it: the few leaders who did, and who used UN facilities and the associated NGO status to get involved in politics, knew very well that it would be upsetting to most JWs to know of the involvement. These leaders knew perfectly well that most JWs would immediately recognize the hypocrisy.

    All of this proves how greatly JW leaders hold the rank & file in contempt. They're truly a contemptible lot.


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