Maybe Jehoobah is waiting for the GB to be run by a black man, too!
Why the end is sooo close! Latest illogical JW logic
by Quandary 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals
He meant a Black President in the USA was going to be Armegdeon for the people of the USA.
Well, when you only read books you are told to read and watch shows you are told to watch and only talk to people who agree with you, you can pretty much mold the whole damn world around your invention of reality...
How about a black, catholic, transgender..........for president?
That would get the "end" closer!! (NOT)
knock knock
-----Not wishing to waste my time discussing a moronic issue, I said "sorry, but I have a lot of work to do, talk to you lalter."-----
Of course you do realize that she will tell others that "he didn't want to discuss this further because he couldn't argue against the significance of it." Well, probably that's her take on it. Unreal ain't it.
And then theres the point that if the idea was to test man to see if he can run things himself, then there has not been a fair test yet if Satan is actually the "ruler of this world". My brain hurts. -
Of course you do realize that she will tell others that "he didn't want to discuss this further because he couldn't argue against the significance of it." Well, probably that's her take on it. Unreal ain't it.
For the past year or so, I only make comments at the meeting on neutral, general issues, i.e. how we show christian love, what Jesus' example teaches us, etc... NEVER do I refer to what the "slave" says or do I ask for Jah's blessing on the FDS or GB in my prayers. I am sure the shrewd ones must be wondering about me already. Within a few months I will be so "out o there" it won't matter anymore!
I would point out that a Hispanic hasn't been president yet. Nor has a gay person, a woman, a jew, an atheist, an asian, or a muslim been president either.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
How about a black, catholic, transgender..........for president?
How about a naked, black, Muslim, transgender?
Quandry, how about if you type up what the dude said, frame it, and hang it on the wall. That way, you can show it to your great-grandkids someday.
B the X
SG Seattle
[quote]How about a black, catholic, transgender..........for president? That would get the "end" closer!! (NOT)[/quote] Aw, you beat me to the joke ;-) There is now nothing in God's creation that Satan has not attempted to profane. God's patience has reached an end. With all due respect to the superior authorities, the human family is degraded when the leader of the free world openly promotes a lifestyle in violation of natural law (Genesis 1:27, 2 Timothy 3:3; compare Monica Lewinsky); and, like the subjects of Nimrod, young people will follow in his or her footsteps by getting a lot of really painful surgery and calling it "rad". The leaders cohabitate with power-greedy religious leaders; let them seek counsel from those who will tell the truth about the Bible; let this, uh, thing be restored to its proper gender through more painful surgery and reverse-reverse hormone treatment; let the resulting marital strife be recompense in full. (This is how you vent in theocratese ;-)
Homerovah the Almighty
Funny in a sad way.....if people want to know what kind of intellect the average JWS has point them to this