How do we know that humans have been around for more than 6000 years?

by inkling 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • funkyderek


    The correct spelling is "Brittanica".

    The real correct spelling is "Britannica".

  • james_woods

    Do you own one? I actually looked at mine last night...

  • james_woods

    But then, dyslexia runs in my family. I think I am related to Sir Jackie Stewart.

    BTW - possibly the word encouelytupediywoa was misspelled also?

  • Caedes

    And you both missed;

    Enclyopedia Britanica

    Which should be Encyclopaedia Britannica in this case. Thinking about this I'm going to shut up now before the real spelling nazis get here.

  • james_woods


    Which should be Encyclopaedia Britannica in this case. Thinking about this I'm going to shut up now before the real spelling nazis get here.


    Only a confirmed closet Nazi paedophile would spell somehting this way.

    BTW, are we off topic yet? Where are those fundy seven twenty four hour day people when we need them?

  • TopHat

    Just as I answer to my post...just a bunch of spelling bullies...shame on you!

  • james_woods


  • Awakened07
    Lonely sheep according to the Enclyopedia Britanica, Civilization has been present for only 10 to 12 thousand years. NOT millions! That to me is a short period of time.

    Yes, there's a difference between 'humans' and 'civilizations'.

    A civilization is: a human society or culture group normally defined as a complex society characterized by the practice of agriculture and settlement in cities.

  • Caedes
    Just as I answer to my post...just a bunch of spelling bullies...shame on you!

    You must have missed the smiley. I agree that human civilisation has been around for more than 6000 years which proves the literalists wrong, happy now?

  • Awakened07

    Sorry, I seem to have jumped in at the wrong place with my post above.

    So let me backtrack a little:

    I have read extensively on the subject of Civilization and still I can NOT bring myself to believe that humans roamed around for millions and millions of years and suddenly became Civilized only a few shorts years ago compared to millions and millions of years..

    Modern humans are now said to have originated in Africa (by the most widely accepted model as of now based on DNA sequencing) approx. 200.000 years ago. This is a considerably shorter time than 'millions of years', although I know that figure was mentioned earlier in this thread.

    So - 'people' of more or less our intelligence were around 200.000 years ago. It took them approx. 180.000 years to come up with 'civilization' as we know it. So, this is still a long time, I'll grant you that. I would guess though, that survival rate and life expectancy was low for quite some time (like it still is in many countries today).

    -It seems to me, though, that there are 'trigger events' that pushes development forward. As for the statement I quoted above, one might as well marvel at how pretty much all technology we know of at all has come about in the last couple of hundred years. Thousands of years living in relative simplicity, and then *boom* (more or less), and we have microwave ovens, cell phones, computers, particle accelerators, satellites, radio telescopes, etc. etc. etc. in only the last 100 years. "Why did we as humans sit on our collective butts for thousands of years and not do this until now?", one could similarly ask.

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