I've now been outed as an APOSTATE by my dad......

by babygirl75 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl75


    I love my Dad & Mom so much. They are just so involved with the religion and will not see any other point of few. My son is with my parents spending his first week of summer vacation with them. I called to check on him. My other sister that is df'd will not let her kids go, so my parents are upset. I talked to Dad and tried to explain to him why she & I are upset about being outcast from the family. He kept saying that nothing is going to interfere with his relationship with Jehovah. I asked him, not even your own child? He said no. He said I am looking at today and he needs to look at his everlasting life in the future. I asked him why he would listen to what men in Bethel say regarding his family and other issues. He kept saying the disfellowshipping issue is bible based and we did this to ourselves. He then told me I am an Apostate and that he knows I evidently read apostate info and that is how I know what is going on with the Society, a lot of times before they do. He said my thinking is very dangerous. I asked him, "Am I not to be able to think for myself and do research on any subject I want; instead of just listening to 12 men?" He said he not what the society or men in Bethel say it's all in the bible. He said I studied the truth and was baptized. I said "yeah, I was 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now I have to live with a mistake I made when I was a child" His cell phone then went out....

    I called back & got mom. She said dad is not mad he is just upset. I said told her I know, I feel the same way. I'm upset, damnit!!!! She then said she cannot believe that two of her children have left Jehovah. I told her I just don't believe in any of it. I did tell her I loved them both.

    Nothing has changed from they way it has been, it just feels like fresh wounds everytime!!!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent...I'm not crying as bad now!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee


    I know what you are going through. My mother has called me Apostate before, went to the elders etc. I just today had to tell her that I can't communicate with her other than if there was an emergency because she blames everything on me and my brother not being "in the truth", and that we hate her because of it. I don't know how parents can forgo the "natural affection" for their children in place of a man made organization.

    I'm sorry you had to experience this.

    Keep your chin up girl, and remember to a certain extent they are "brainwashed".


  • BFD


    It just boggles the mind. I had to deal with that rejection for years. After I found JWD I realized that I was not alone!

    I'm sorry you have to put up with this crap. Fucking cult!!!!


  • Hope4Others

    I'm sorry babygirl for what you are experiencing right this instant....I'm sure it doesn't make it easy letting the kids be

    there for you. Hopefully you can keep your chin up...its hard for parents to see any different they've been in so long..



  • nomoreguilt

    " Having no Natural affection". I am so sorry for your situation dear. I hate to quote scriptures, but they bring this on themselves all the time. I have expierenced a similar situation in my life, but it was with my son not allowing me to see my grandson while I was df'd.

    The pain is horrendous and NEVER goes away. They have a way of cutting out your heart, a piece at a time. If there was a god or a son of god that did preach LOVE, this is not the way they would have wanted it practiced.

    My thoughts are with you, as I too carry your same pain.


  • dinah

    Why can't these people see that they are brainwashed??!!!

    I'm sorry you had to have that conversation. It hurts when they put a corporation ahead of you. Wish there was more we could do.


  • momzcrazy

    I am so sorry babygirl!

    How a parent can choose a religion over their own kids is beyond me. You're not alone.


  • carla

    And you have left your precious child with these people for a week?!

  • babygirl75

    I asked my dad..."what if there is so called "new light" and they come out and say they are wrong on the disfellowshiping policy or any issue for that matter, will you not feel cheated that you wasted so many years of your life missing out on your family or other things" He said "NO!"

    That really hurt....

    To me this religion is no different from Mormons that follow John Smith, or the offshoot cults that follow Warren Jeffs; the JW's are based off Russell & Rutherford. Why can't they see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BreakingAway

    I'm sorry to hear that Babygirl ! They're no doubt in turmoil themselves but they've been trained by the bOrg to behave this way.Their minds are no longer their own.Really, the heart and the mind engage in battle when these things happen and that's why the Society harps so much on being "loyal to the Org".It's just plain sick and I hope for the downfall of this pathetic CULT.

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