Is being searched by your employer EVERY day legal?

by Gill 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    Do you know anyone who works at this store? Wondering if the search policy is as strongly enforced as was brought out in your induction training.


  • crazyblondeb
    Home D. has a policy that requires bag inspection upon exiting as an employee. Other than that, they just do a visual at the employee exit. The key is to wear as little as possible, and to keep it unbuttoned (jackets). Purses should be kept at home. If I was subject to a patdown I would not return.

    At our store, the only thing that is really looked in is coolers. No one carries a true "visual" inspections are done. Everyone says "bye".......There are certain people that are looked at closer than others. There are cameras everywhere. If someone is suspected, they are watched.

    I refuse to work anywhere (unless you can pay me a million dollars) that they can search me. Especially a FREAKING HARDWARE STORE.

    Are they maybe trying to scare the new hires? Ask some employees if they really do this. No one would be searching me without a female present....and with a warrant.

  • mkr32208

    We used to get searched at UPS every day when we left...

    I didn't put up with it for long before I left!

  • Gordy

    I work security for one of the biggest companies in the UK.

    It is a provision of employment that employees can be asked to be searched, but they MUST be asked first.

    We do random searches and a certain percentage a day, of 1 in 5. Of persons and vehicles.

    If it is a search of a person they must be taken somewhere private, and MUSThave a witness present.

    Plus the search must be recorded on camera.

    A person will be requested to empty their pockets and any bag they are carrying.

    Only a male can search a male, and a female a female.

    We use a metal detecting wand, as we are not allowed to touch the person.

    The section of the plant were I am at present has nowhere were we can take a person to be searched therefore we cannot carry out any personal searches, only of vehicles.

    Being searched every day seems excessive for the place you work. Random searches would be the norm.

    I did when doing security for a firm that dealt in gold and jewelery.

    I have a friend who did work for a large well known DIY store and they did not search staff everyday, only randomly.

    Biggest cause of theft was from customers.

    If the firm you work for says half its theft is by staff. Yet they are doing searches everyday then obviously its not the staff.

  • Gill

    Thanks everyone. Your replys are helpful.

    We talked about it at home last night and husband and daughter both said they would never in a million years work somewhere that searched your bag and person everyday. So, I'm wondering what to do and whether to do as some have suggested and see how 'bad' it really is before I quit.

    Also, if they are insisting that half of their theft if from their own staff, how come the theft is still taking place if they search all their staff every single day. I'd like to know the source of their claim that fifty fifty of their theft is customers and staff.

    Also, why do shop lifters supposedly have more rights than an innocent member of staff? Just makes no sense to me.

    I may not be working for Wilkinson Stores for long!

  • nelly136

    go to CAB and ask what is legal,most places allow for reasonable search but that sounds OTT.

  • jgnat

    From the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB):

    For more information about surveillance in the workplace, see Monitoring at work.

    To challenge surveillance in the workplace, you will need expert advice and should initially consult a Citizens Advice Bureau. To search for details of your nearest CAB, including those that can give advice by email, click on nearest CAB.

    Gosh, I like the setup of your CAB. Very easy for the newbie.

  • WTWizard

    If they tell you in advance and you accept the term, it is probably legal in some jurisdictions. However, it is usually a waste of time unless they have reasonable cause to believe that certain people might be stealing or bringing in illegal or forbidden items. And, it wouldn't take long to find them stealing or bringing contraband, in which case they would be fired.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    In Australia you have the right to REFUSE to allow yor bags to be searched....even if your leaving K-Mart with your suitcase! Unless they PERSONALY have seen you stuff something in your bag and have "due cause" they cannot touch you. The signs may say "we search bags" but legally you can't be forced.....all shoplifters know this!!!! I'm not one.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Wilkinsons have probably the tightest and best security of any stores in the UK. Any potential shoplifters reading this - DON'T do it at Wilkinsons - you are 99% certain to get caught!

    I didn't realise the security extended to the staff though. I suppose some folks might think that with it being a 'cheaper' end store, it's an easy target and sadly there is a black market even for dog food and toilet roll!

    I'm surprised that they take the search policy to such an extreme too. Unfortunately, if you sign a contract agreeing to these searches your hands are pretty much tied as far as rights go.

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