Farkel! All your topics are keepers. The one where you ask Satan how he feels about Terry"s questions on the heavy stuff is classic. I would like to have a beer with Satan and Jaycee and continue the questioning with you as the moderator
by Farkel 20 Replies latest jw friends
Farkel! All your topics are keepers. The one where you ask Satan how he feels about Terry"s questions on the heavy stuff is classic. I would like to have a beer with Satan and Jaycee and continue the questioning with you as the moderator
He seems so nice!
Satan gets blamed for every ill by the dubs, even when its a self inflicted wound, 'The Devil made me do it!!'. Reminds me of an experience a brother gave during his discourse, a dis-fellowshipped brother was re-instated. To celebrate, he went to the bar to have a few drinks, he became drunk and was dis-fellowshipped for the same reason as before, being a drunkard. The brother giving the talk blamed Satan. After that I knew I couldn't take more of this scapegoating.
It is sad this brilliant thread did not get more replies
Farkel...hilarious! Although you forgot Burn... he could probably make the devil commit suicide with his reasonings and wikipediaquotes! LOL
Brilliant Farkel. This post inspired me to go back to read some of your early posts and I was laughing so hard at some of them I was crying. You should consolidate all of your posts into a book and sell it on apostate websites.
I mean it.
Both Satan and Farkel rule!