Banging my head against a brick wall - and I go back for more !

by LouBelle 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    yup I do - when it come to trying to reason with my cousin - who is still disfellowshipped but believes it's the truth.

    I asked him if I could disprove the 607 date thus throwing 1914 and that out the window would he still go back - knowing they had decieved him

    YES - he *&*$(@)&%)(@#$ said yes - I think the look of total shock/horror on my face could have said it all - I was lost for words - I might have growled though.

    I know *I* can't make him see it but I keep trying. I've tried to keep quiet, I've tried reasoning, I've tried shock tactics, I've tried humour, I've tried it all - I know I can't do it - but I'm a sucker. He is still under their spell.

    Someone stop me!

  • Casper


    It sounds like you've tried everything. Some people will just never get it.... so sorry...

    At least you know you tried.


  • mrsjones5
  • hillbilly

    I know *I* can't make him see it but I keep trying. I've tried to keep quiet, I've tried reasoning, I've tried shock tactics, I've tried humour, I've tried it all - I know I can't do it - but I'm a sucker. He is still under their spell.

    <HIllbilly as Gary Busselman> Believing walk-aways are the hardest nut to crack.

    I think Gary still has a thesis posted over on Freeminds regarding this.

    A good child hood freind of mine has been DF for nearly 30 years.... actually she dropped of a letter and never asked for a meeting-ever.

    She still defends the WT .... she thinks she's the problem. Go figure.


  • WTWizard

    What else is new? I have had one witless (the one that brought me into the cancer) get disfellowshipped three times, and become inactive twice, and is STILL a witless.

  • Hope4Others

    Would he read the "Steve Hassan book" ? Or read excerpts to him here and there....


  • oompa

    HAHAHa....lou bell...your head did not hit a hit oompas head already stuck against the wall due to multiple imacts! Nice meeting you on the wall btw. There was a huge letter to a Mom posted here the other day or two I cant find, but the guy took two years to write it, and I really need a link....I got part way through it and it was AWESOME! I will need it and may apply it in marriage counseling, but I plan on printing at least portions of it and leaving it in the bathroom, nightstand...etc...and hope my wife may get just a tiny bit curious....that is what is lacking with your yeah...many are under a spell and we keep looking for that magic kiss from the prince to wake up sleeping beauty..........hang tough girl............oompa

  • LouBelle

    So I'm busy reading and this passage jumps out at me "if somebody does not believe a truth, even a perfectly obvious fact, it simply does not exist for him no matter how many other people have discovered it already."

  • jaguarbass

    I remember when I was a witness, it took a long time to grow out of the mode of arguing with others about religion. Occasionally I fall into it but rarely anymore.

    When your head starts to hurt find other activities that interest you.

  • moomanchu

    Keep trying different topics every person has a different trigger that makes the lights go on.

    Good luck !

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