Will there ever be another Raymond Franz type Governing Body apostate?

by Witness 007 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    This was huge for me! A member of the "faithful slave" turning apostate! What was wrong with him? Reading his book I could not see someone who was "mad" or "dishonest." Instead I got to peer inside a meeting of the Governing body.....which otherwise may never have happened. I found him to be honest and suprisingly had no real chip on his shoulder. So will another Governing body member {or Gilead instructor Dunlap} ever leave...or was this a one off lucky thing?

    P.S Any info. on the Franz family, who left "the truth" and who stayed?

  • OnTheWayOut

    It could definitely happen. Ray slaved his whole life for the organization then
    found it hard to believe the way things actually worked. Others could do the same.

  • boyzone

    Perhaps in time there might be a dissenter but I reckon the GB members are picked VERY carefully to make sure a "Franz Incident" doesn't happen again but you never know.....

    Ray Franz has done a great deal of damage to the Society with both his books. If he had ranted and been bitter in what he published, he would have been quickly dismissed as a loon by those seeking answers, but because he showed reason and fairness, many have read his books and realised he was right.

    There is no doubt in my mind, I believe Ray was led out of the Watchtower by God. His ministry, if you like, was writing those books and personally helping thousands to come to terms with leaving such a high control group. I have a great deal of respect for the man.

    But he's getting on now, over 85 I think. His books will stand the test of time for a while longer but they will gradually date. I think if God deems it necessary, and sees the heart of a reasonable man on the GB, then I believe he will lead that one out of the Watchtower to be used to help others, just as Ray was.

    If not, then I reckon the WT Society is in its death throws now and another "Ray" won't be necessary. The whole thing will crumble at once.

  • lawrence

    No one like Ray, but I can see one or two of them going looney, real nuts, swinging from poles, and needing sedation. It's a short matter of time before the shop will need to fold up, and the pressure will come down on the mad ones. Any day, one or two will become beserk and believe they are God. That is when the ether bottle comes in, and replaces the brandy. These are just men, faced with a crumbling tower. It's their fault! They have blood guilt on hands and face! Yes, real mad, real soon. Teddy, Teddy, you're guilty already!

  • yknot

    Read my Elder planned Legal Department Prepped Theocratic Career since I was 4 years old response........


  • worf

    "No one like Ray, but I can see one or two of them going looney, real nuts, swinging from poles, and needing sedation. It's a short matter of time before the shop will need to fold up, and the pressure will come down on the mad ones. Any day, one or two will become beserk and believe they are God. That is when the ether bottle comes in, and replaces the brandy. These are just men, faced with a crumbling tower. It's their fault! They have blood guilt on hands and face! Yes, real mad, real soon. Teddy, Teddy, you're guilty already! " Lawrence, I feel the same way. Worf

  • Seeker4

    There are definitely highly placed Bethelites with some serious misgivings.

    But at this point, with the downsizing at Bethel, I'm sure everyone is keeping their doubts quiet. I don't see anyone on this new GB doing much. Considering the new crackdown on education, I'd say this GB is more hardline than ever.


  • james_woods

    I shamelessly post this again, (after it went onto the other thread just like this one) -

    Maybe there will be...maybe not.

    One thing you have to remember about Ray, Ed Dunlap, Marion Dunlap, and the other reformers of the late 70s is that they were all basically believers in the Bible and fundamentalist reformers at heart. Not an Agnostic or an Atheist in the lot of them.

    They never really wanted to leave the Borg. They wanted to reform it.

    They were thrown out for their trouble.

    If there should ever be another breed like them, I think it must come from that sort of naive sympathy for what the WTS could and should have been. These guys were never the Apostate Haters that the current WTS makes them out to be. They just wanted to help make things better, in their simple childlike way.

  • Finally-Free

    With all the changes in the cult in the last few years, I think now would be a great time for a high profile defection to reality.


  • Layla33

    My gut feeling is that there will be a huge dissent that will break the entire organization in half. I don't know why I get this feeling, but I think in the next five years, you are going to see it.


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