You could always turn back to Jehovah and his spirit guided organization....LOL!
I know how you feel, I miss my family really badly sometimes, but they usually say something like what I said above and then I realize how much better off i am without those loons.
I'm sorry you feel badly today, we all have days like that.
Feeling really sad and missing my family.
by Aphrodite 20 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, Aphrodite! The shunning creates a roller coaster of emotions, doesn't it. Lows and highs...this too shall pass. You'll be fine.
The Lone Ranger
I know most of you will disagree with me, but this shows proves to me the case for NOT DAing or DFing, its best you play ball with them as much as possible and you don't let them win. Even go to meetings once every blue moon.
little witch
Howdy Aphrodite First off, nice to "meet" you. Secondly, I am sorry that you are hurting and lonely for your family. The same thing happened to me so I will give you a little advice for what it is worth. Convince yourself mentally that you are in a better frame of mind than your "in" relatives. You know that don't you? Of course you do. It is not easy to be the broken link in the chain. However, you are creating link by link a stronger chain by raising your children without the burdens that you endured. I am happy to hear that you have sisters who are "out" and that must be a great help. Nurture your healthy relationships!!!! Even if it is by email, photos, letters and phone calls. You need that, your kids need that, and your sisters and Father need that. Stay strong for yourself and your family and friends ((((aphrodite)))) PS You refer to yourself in jw lingo when you say "cut off". Stop that (wink and grin) LW
little witch
PSS Stop blaming yourself for what flew outa your mouth to your Father at 14 years of age. Apologize to him and go in peace Dear Heart. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once it was meant for their teenager. "get a job, find a mate, have fun while you still know it all" LOL
Hang in there...I'll git sh*t faced with ya'!
Thanks guys, you're all so cool.
I'm not actually disfellowshipped although my husband is. I have just expressed "apostate" views and so am treated as if I am.
Try to make contact with your dad. He knows you were only 14 when you told him that. Surely he can't hold that against you. He will probably be very happy to find that you finally broke free. I hope everything works out for you and we will always be here to listen.
Well Aphrodite we will just have to be apostates together.