I think love is way more powerful than prayer.
Did/Does God answer your prayers?
by song19 36 Replies latest jw friends
Never beleived in prayer even as a dub even though i prayed every day. it was just a routine.
my prayers that i have in my heart silently have been answered but not the verbal ones from my lips.
Verily I say that He does hear prayer but I ask why did not the screams of 900 school children in China get answered. Oh LORD do we deserve that???
I had a crap life growing up as a jdub. I lived in violent abuse inside my immediate family that carried over into extended family. No one loved or cared about each other and yet there we sat side by side at every meeting. I prayed for everyone but myself. And, still, the violence and psychological abuse never stopped. Still, I persisted insisting to myself that one day it would all be better. It was that stupid, false hope that kept me praying for all those a-holes. How could I have actually thought that it would have been any better in a paradise world with those idiots? Needless to say, I haven't prayed for a very long time. Not for me and not for anyone else. I prefer to stand on my own two feet and help the good things along in life. I take the good with the bad and live every day free from the thought that I need to thank some faceless being in the sky for who I am and the life I have made for myself. In short, I'm happier without that god.
100% not.
I did everything I could, and it was never enough. I may as well have been worshipping a rodent. When's easter again???
Hell, I don't know.