Adam names animals and finds "no suitable helper {mate} was found for him??

by Witness 007 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Gensis just doesn't fit Watchtower logic....Gen 2;19 Adam names the animals but "no suitable helper {mate} was found" amongst them, so God creates Eve.... What's up with that? When eating the fruit of knowlege Adam and Eve's eyes are "opened" and they "realize they were naked"....Watchtower says the fruit had no real power and it was a normal symbolic fruit??? God kills some beasts and makes them clothes each???

    Is there anything in Genesis you don't get?

  • WTWizard

    Another thing I couldn't figure out. God put the cherubs at the entrance of the garden. So, what would have stopped Adam from making another way in? Burglars will do that if they want your computer or jewelry--if they can't get in the front door, they will bust a window to get in.

    What tells us that the Garden of Eden was any more secure? The cherubs were only at the main entrance--wouldn't Adam have been able to get in through the rear, creating another entrance?

  • Hortensia

    There's a lot of illogical stuff in Genesis. It made more sense for me when I read a book about who wrote Genesis - it appears there were several authors and overlapping stories. Makes sense since it all came from mythology of the ancient middle east anyway.

  • inkling
    Adam names the animals but no suitable mate was found

    Yeah, and how did he KNOW they wern't suitable mates? Did he try?

  • JK666

    Didn't Adam have sheep in the Garden?


  • dwtnphotog
    Didn't Adam have sheep in the Garden?

    Would he have known what to do with them?

    I want to know, who explained sex to him? And did he have the urge to "take care of business" before Eve came along?

  • yknot
    I want to know, who explained sex to him?

    It was explained to me that God wanted Adam to long for a mate and to appreciate his when God finally created her. Surely as a caretaker of the garden Adam had seen animals mating. Or the commandment to be fruitful and multiply would have meant squat to Adam. It was also assumed that he was alone for quite a long period learning about the animals and garden.

    So much of Genesis lacks details, but I guess it could be argued that it is not the details but the spirit of the story that is suppose to be important.

  • Casper
    God kills some beasts and makes them clothes each???

    This bugs me....

    I have to ask, why would God choose to kill an innocent animal or two, to make "Fur Clothing".... I mean really, he just created everything, why not send down a couple pair of jeans and t-shirts.

    It just doesn't make sense to me...


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    How did Cain know he murdered his brother?

  • Jim_TX

    Okay... here's another one for ya.

    So... Adam sees all these animals procreating in the 'garden'. He finally gets his 'mate' - Eve - and they get tossed out of the garden. God posts two 'guards' at the entrance of the garden.

    Now. There musta been animals outside the garden... so how did Adam name them? Also... did those animals stop procreating whut were inside the garden? If not... then I would imagine that it got pretty full really fast... especially with rabbits and guinea pigs and such. Heck... we've got cats that multiply faster than I would like.

    (Oh - and don't give me an 'they were carnivorous' argument... although that'd be a sight to see.)

    So... I get this mental of the animals multiplying to the point that the garden is bulging at the seams... little bunnies getting pushed into the butts of angels... who probably liked it...


    Jim TX

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