You don't need to exaggerate the foibles of JWs to get the point across that they are not "The Truth". Can you state some facts that show that Jehovah's Witnesses are not "normal' and that their religion is weird and simply abnormal?
State Truthful Facts About JWs That Make Them Look Bad, Weird, Foolish
by minimus 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Witness 007
I'll start.....BETHSARIM.....most Witnesses crap their pants when you show them....
Ok, here is one that I have seen happen, at a family get together where a few non wit family members were present in which the wit ones starting talking about avoiding "worldly" association. One such non wit asked what "worldly" meant, and was told by a very pompous elder in the family it was anyone who was not one of Jehovah's people. Umm, I am sure those non wit family members were thinking, get me the _____ outta here.
College is not allowed.
mind my own
Where do I begin?? Well the fact that they shun those that leave the org. is one of them. Also, that those that are not JW's are refered to as "worldly". That always made me feel weird.
Taking blood fractions and not donating blood makes them look bad.
Believing in garage sale demons makes them look both weird and foolish.
Beliving "the end is at hand" for over 100 years makes them look foolish.
Shunning makes them look bad.
Covering up pedophilia to save face makes them look bad.
Shall I continue?
They say they are the most honest people on the planet, but it is okay to lie under certain circumstances.
Yes, BFD, please continue. You're on a roll.
Seeing Demons everywhere
Associating only with other witnesses
Even the smallest details of their lives must be approved by headquarters
Elders telling battered woman they should just be a better wife
Everything has pagan origins, yet wedding bands are okay
Mexico/Malawi policy makes them look REALLY bad.
Only the GB annointed are "spirit directed" while the rest of the annointed have no insights makes them look foolish.
Wearing kleenex/diolies/car mats on thier heads makes them look foolish and weird.
Can't believe I saw you and didn't immediately think of the doilies.
Mexico/Malawi makes them look more evil than foolish
Wearing suits and ties everywhere makes them look weird (like little bible salesmen--oh the irony)