Hello everyone,
It's been almost 3 years since I've become inactive. My inactivity was due to a divorce. I finally awoke to the fact I was in an abusive and non working relationship and I got out. The Elders weren't that harsh or really that intrusive.
What did cause me to question my faith was one comment from an elder as we had a one on one meeting. It was to the effect that "The end is coming, can't you just bear it for a little while longer?" And the answer was No, I can't..
I haven't been hounded or shunned for that matter. I have allot of brothers and sisters that come up and talk to me when I am out in public. It makes things a little harder as I'm split in two. I would love to go back and visit with my friends but at the same time I see the glaring fallacies with the organization and have done extensive research on it's disturbing past. I have been reading messages on this bored for awhile now and have finally decided to get an account. I definitely sense a great deal pf anger with some. It tends to be those who served some kind of position in the congregation or who were dedicated ministers. I was the latter, having been a home schooled JW since the age of 7 I gladly went door to door happily for most of my life.
I do though feel like I was nothing more than a number to the society, I filled out my forms at the end of the month, they stamped me with the "Saved" stamper and I was good for another month.
Something that has also drawn serious questions into my head is Johannes Greber, his thoughts on god and the bible as told to him by "fallen angels" They are almost word for word the Witness teaching! My investigation into these matters started while I was still a witness, about 16 or 17 I believe. It had dawned on me one day that our memorial services bore a STRIKING similarity to a satanic Black Mass and it has caused me to research the background of the Watchtower ever since. If there is any one that could prove me with more information to either disprove or backup some of my finding I would really like to talk to them.
Well I believe I've ranted on enough. Have a great day...
A simple servant.