I am saddened and angry to observe the pitiful situation some of my JW single female friends are in. They are over 40 and have little work record, hardly any money and in some instances compromised health issues.
I am angry because these women were waiting for armageddon to come and save them. Well, it isn't here yet and still they have to eat and pay bills. Do I really have a right to be angry though? I think I do. Let me explain. In the religion, there is no regard for the fact that a woman has a small window of time to get educated, get a career, etc. While I do realize that some married women have gotten a horrible deal, generally speaking they come out of a marriage with some assets.
These single women were seduced into pioneering when they were young and should have been getting educated to get a decent paying job. They were also 'conned' into doing favors for various people in the congregation. I am talking about doing favors practically all the time, not just once in a while. In many instances they did favors for the elderly. You might say this sounds wonderful, but what about these young women's futures? Who is going to support them? Are the elderly ladies they helped going to leave their assets to them? Unlikely. In many instances these elderly are leaving their assets to the religion. The problem is that the clock is ticking. Then one day these women wake up single, middle aged and poor. Is the religion going to support them? Nope.