i'm not as strong as I seem.. .what would you say?

by New light for you 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    How about a secret hand shake? Or something else to go along with da'gang!

  • jgnat

    You seem to be a touchy-feely kind of gal. You want to say your goodbyes personally, and have a good cry. You may or may not get the chance, depending on how flexible your "friends" are.

    I firmly believe it's too much to try and force a Witness to see your point of view, if they are not ready. That doesn't mean you can't put the bait out. If they take the bait, feel free to pour out your heart.

    Here's some examples of what I mean.

    "Hubby and I are going through some deep stuff right now, I'm sorry I can't say any more right now. I want you to know, whatever happens, I am always your friend. Could you offer me the same reassurance, no matter what happens?"

    "I won't go in to it right now. I don't want to stumble you."

    "Think about it and if your conscience allows, you can call me in a week or so and we can talk about it. I don't want to scare you off or stumble you, so be prepared to hear whatever I have to say."

  • jgnat

    "I have some reservations about the society, but I don't want to stumble you. If you really want to hear about it, do give me a call and we can go for coffee. Brace yourself because I will speak my mind."

  • yknot

    When the mutual decision for me to leave was made, I over the course of the fade sought out privately those in my KH.

    I didn't write a letter because of 'written proof', & because many people choose not to read them. I was told my one elder that they don't really read DA letters, they just skim for the confirmation of it being a DA letter.

    What I found is that in the relaxed privacy of the conversation most totally understood, some of course were concern about me spititually but most discussed their problems with the WTS.

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    wow jgnat...

    those are incredible things to say, and actually just what i needed to know how to word,... i'm gonna write them down verbatim... thank you thank you!!!

  • watson

    Jgnat is our official "unbaptised apostate."

    I'm between Flipper and Jgnat on this one.


  • Bring_the_Light

    Three words: "Blaze of Glory" make it public, make it grand, make it proud. (and video it, and give it to me).

    Break a leg delusion.

  • Thechickennest

    Are you sure you are ready to give it up? It almost sounds like you have some inroads to travel before making your departure. Setting your emotions aside, are you up to the shunning? There are worse things than being one of Jehovah's Witnesses.....and this decision that you are having to make so quickly can be put off for a while. Maybe you can do your friends and family more good by being a fake witness for a while longer. Honestly, JW's are ruthless when given permission to stomp on you.

  • changeling

    I don't know you and I don't know your friends but I know the witness mentality. Yours will not be a fun party. Unless your friends are on the skids in the WT (and even if they are) they will probably turn on you.

    The suggestion of a letter sent to all you care about (before the announcement) is probably best. Less emotional, less confrontational.

    Also, others have suggested a fade (just quit, but don't DA) since you seem so torn up. I second that.

    changeling the happy faded one :)

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