Evolutionists Creator "Deity" Under Scrutiny

by hooberus 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamilcarr
    Evolutionists believe that the creator is a process called "natural selection."

    How can a process be a creator?

  • Caedes


    Exactly how many times on this board have people explained to you the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.

    Exactly how many times on this board have people explained to you the difference between abiogenesis and natural selection.

    I can understand that someone might get the above mixed up once but really, after that it becomes wilfull ignorance.

    Can you provide just one piece of proof that there is a peer-reviewed (in a credible scientific journal of course) paper outlining these creationist 'theories' (or wild speculation as they are more accurately called).

    And just to put you straight, I don't believe in any kind of 'creator' (although nice linguistic attempt to put creationism and science on an equal footing) I just believe in natural processes.

  • IP_SEC
  • Evolutionists do not fully understand their own theory and its incredible flexibility.
  • Evolutionary theory is a structureless smorgasbord.
  • Many evolutionary illusions are created by evolutionists remaining silent on key issues.
    • Funny, do creationist understand their framework? Lot of chalking it up to mystery that we'll never know in the creationist frameworks
    • How many creation myths are there? How many structureless smorgasbords within those individual myths are there?
    • No creationist is ever silent on key issues like, who created god? Who created god's creator?ad infinitum
  • hooberus


    Exactly how many times on this board have people explained to you the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.

    Exactly how many times on this board have people explained to you the difference between abiogenesis and natural selection.

    I can understand that someone might get the above mixed up once but really, after that it becomes wilfull ignorance.

    To which of my posts are your above statements directed?

  • Caedes

    As I said Booberus, wilfull ignorance.

    The questions I posed to you are about your understanding of the most basic scientific terminology, if the questions are too hard feel free to carry on as you were.

  • hooberus

    As I said Booberus, wilfull ignorance.

    The questions I posed to you are about your understanding of the most basic scientific terminology, if the questions are too hard feel free to carry on as you were.

    And in which of my comments have I done the things that you charge me with?

  • hillary_step


    While on this subject, do you believe that everything God created was created for a purpose?

    Mosquitoes? VZV? Marburg? Alligators? Barry Manilow?


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I always thought Barry Manilow was a scientific experiment gone horribly awry?

  • hillary_step


    Evolutionists believe that the creator is a process

    No, they believe that a process is a process and that a creator is a creator.


  • Caedes
    Evolutionists believe that the creator is a process called "natural selection." Darwin himself at least once even referred to it as “my deity ‘Natural Selection,'” "Natural selection" has even in effect became a "God did it" type phrase for evolutionists [i.e. "Natural selection did it !"], as it is invoked as "the explanation" for every complex thing found in nature, and as any perceived inadequacy, or scientific argument against in it is attributed to a failure of our imaginatiion and not a failure of natural selctions "powerful" abilities.


    Natural selection is a proven theory, stating that natural selection is equivalent to the statement 'god did it' shows that you do not understand what the definition of a scientific theory is despite the fact that several people on this board have given you accurate definitions.

    The fact that you state that natural selection is equivalent to your 'creator' means that you do not understand that natural selection is only a process that shapes life, for most rationalists it is assumed (since abiogenesis is a hypothesis not a theory and we are capable of admitting where the holes in our understanding are) that abiogenesis was the start of life on this planet.

    So in answer to your question, your first post on this thread is where you have shown yourself to be wilfully ignorant and lacking in your knowledge of basic scientific terminology, and thus you are woefully inadequate to engage in any kind of meaningful debate on any scientific subject. It could be that your diet of fundamentalist copypasta is to blame.

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