........good health and a bad memory.
I heard that recently and it made think of the many of us who have suffered in our years of association with the WTS. Trying to cope with a traumatic past is very difficult. It is not a matter of amnesty and amnesia. You can't just 'forget it'. But some people can be haunted by their past and this seems to be another extreme. It does stop you moving on and acheiving a 'closure'. Thats why in Northern Island there is a proverbial saying as the plane comes into land...'We are now approaching Belfast, please fasten your seat belts, the weather is cloudy, the outside temperature is 11*C..and the time is 1689'. So many people there live in 1689. Nothing has moved on. It is sad.
The question that arises is where do we want to end up? There has to be an emotional acceptance of the situation. That does not mean ignoring what happened. But it can help to move forward.