I thought it already came....did I miss it again?
So what do ya think?
by Sasha 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Let me put on my shades! Okay, now I am ready.
What a question..........But then of course you must still be a TRUE believer in the crap from the WTBTS......
Life is cyclic, it goes on and on and on and on...............................................infin
History ALWAYS repeats itself. Stick around life long enough and you will see it repeat itself again.
Oh MY!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING.............................WELL! Don't just stand there and let it hit you in the head. Do something constructive with your life and get over the WTBTS!!!
NO no no Not zis (with an Arnold Shwartzeneggar accent)
Nah, same 'ol Shite different day!
Recessions, Depressions, wars, pestilance etc etc etc etc etc have been in full flower for hundreds of years. In our own very small lifetime, in our environment, we may see some drastic changes, but not so much in the world scene. IMHO.
If it is, I know some people that have some martini glasses chilling. I'll bring the olives.
No, but we are deep in the time of the end.
Until 1970 the WTS taught that the great tribulation began in 1914 and temporarily stopped in 1918 to start up again in the future.
*** w70 1/15 p. 52 par. 9 Peace with God amid the "Great Tribulation" ***On account of his "chosen ones" he cuts short the days. How? Back in the year 1925 the suggestion was set out in the leading article of the WatchTower issue of May 1, entitled "For the Elect’s Sake," that "those days" of the "great tribulation" were cut short in the middle. The explanation was given that the "great tribulation" had begun in 1914 C.E. and that it was not allowed to run its full course then but God stopped World War I in November of 1918. From then on God was allowing an interval for the activity of his anointed remnant of elect Christians before he let the final part of the "great tribulation" resume at the battle of Armageddon and come to its termination. This would allow for sheeplike persons to be saved.—Matt. 25:31-46.
Wow, with all my 30+ years in the troof I never knew that Blondie! WOW
Global unionization....yes