HEy Simon. there is this guy outside of Austin TX that is converting car, motercycle, and adding on moters to bicycles into ones that are able to run off of used Vegetable oil. The oil is cleaned out I believe by the same system that is used when the fast food chains clean out the fry vats. It was pretty amazing. When I was down there last to look over and see a bike fly by your car with this eetie moter attached to the main body part of it and some college student just cruising along. (Next one a business executive.) It appears pretty neat.
I have not researched into it yet, but I do wonder how it will change the price of used oil that is bought up from the fast food chains. But I know that already the chains have been putting a lock on thier dump vats for many a years. They sell it to different products, now I guess they will be selling it for fuel in some areas. I also wonder what that will do on grain prices for those in a rush and do not want to go buy thier used product. But my guess is anyone that is that environmentally concerned and want to recycle will not be using straight up oil to propell thier vehicles.
Anyhow, I have been thinking it might be the way to go. The man converting the vehicles is making a fortune right now.
Does anyone know the ups and downs of this?